7 - Strange dream

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  "Where am I...?"


"Athanasia... I'm sorry..." I heard someone speak.

"Who's there!" I yelled trying to manifest a sword in my hand.

Strange my mana isn't working.

"Don't... Be... Grumpy." The voice spoke again.

There's no presence around me.

Who the hell is speaking!?

"Show yourself!" I yelled.

"Sorry... Don't remember me..." The voice spoke.

All a sudden white light flashed.


Don't remember what....!?

"Lucas please! It was a slip of the tongue!"

"Oh you so mean it was in your head all this time?"


"Would you two shut up..." I screamed as I sat up.

Or well tried to.

My voice came out as nothing more then a whisper.

"Saeon! Your awake..." I heard athanasia say.

"What do you want...." I groaned annoyed.

"Great the problem child is back..." I heard the magican say.


"Who are you calling a problem child!" I questioned.

"Saeon, please don't mind him. He's just throwing a tantrum right now." Athanasia told me whispering the last part.

What happened...

Last thing I remember...


"How's lily!?" I asked hurriedly unintentionally grabbing athanasia's arms.

"She's fine." Athanasia told me.

Can I trust her opinion...?

"Why did you let Felix near her!" I yelled at this words athanasia.

She looked slightly taken back.

"Know your place changeling." I heard the magican say.

Please I don't give two shits about what falls out of your mouth.

"What do you mean...?" Athanasia asked.

"Felix... He'll kill her. He killed her." I told athanasia.

Her face visibly paled but contrastingly her expression showed confusion yet understanding at the same time.

"Felix isn't that type of person..." Athanasia told me.

"I thought so. I thought so too! But you know what? I was locked up in there. And you know what they did?" I asked.

"They ordered to have her killed. And who did the killing?" I continued.

"Which bastard do you think it was that claimed to love her yet was the very one who stabbed his sword straight into he-"

My vision Blacked out.

~Athanasia POV~

I watched as her body went limp in my arms.

My brain didn't process what she told me.

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