Heal Claude (1) - side story

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  "Athanasia, are you still there...?" Lucas asked me as I closed the book in my hand, he had found out about me spending alot of time in the obelian library in Jihees dimension so he went to the library in obelia's town and made a copy of basically every book.

"Yeah, why?" I asked setting the book down on the table.

"Why did you suddenly stop talking about the bastard? Not that I want you to, it's just strange of you." Lucas said pointing out my lack of wanting to seek Claude as of recently.

"Is that concern I sense?" I joked standing up and snapping a chair to come behind me as I say down next to him, who was busy doing his... Magic thing.

"Yes, I am concerned. Why? is it that hard to believe...?" Lucas questioned seeming completely serious and somewhat offended as he continued doing his magic study, normally he does this for at least 2-3 hours per day more if we were having a fight and he didn't have anyone to talk to.

"For the heartless magician who is rumoured to have sealed his heart? Yes." I replied in a monotone voice looking at the orb that was in Lucas hands as Lucas put it down and looked at me.

"Seriously... You stopped asking to visit like everyday. I'm worried for you." Lucas told me looking at my eyes which were a replica of Lucas eyes, I wonder if my eyes are just as pretty since they are supposed to be the same as Lucas.

"I just... Want to give up... I feel more foolish after jihee told me the story which saved her." I told Lucas who had a blank face, for someone who claims to be worried and concerned he sure didn't look like it.

"Tell you what, why don't we visit Claude and I'll let you scream shout hit or even kill him if you so wish. After that we go like nothing happened and I erase his memory of ever being hurt." Lucas suggested, I sighed shaking my head not wanting to hurt him yet at the same time wanting to.

"What are you working on?" I asked changing the topic looking at the orb he was fine tuning.

"I wanted to create a mana bank for you so instead of the mana coming from me directly it'd be from this sphere that can drain mana from plants and humans without them noticing." Lucas explained briefly, I guess he got this idea from when I would over spend his mana and he would get backlash from it.

This way I could spend however mana I wanted and not bother with if Lucas was okay or not.

"Anyway, are you sure you don't want to visit?" Lucas asked me, I looked away and nodded I didn't want false hope.

"Even if it might be your last time seeing him?" Lucas added, I whipped my head around and a question mark appeared on my head.

"He's going to rule for a long time..... Right...?" I asked adding the right after a few seconds of silence, what was Lucas hiding now...

"You remember how chimeras magic makes people like her right...?" Lucas questioned like he was delaying the answer that was at the tip of his tongue, I nodded seeing that he won't tell me the answer any faster.

"Her magic, may be killing the bastard...?" Lucas said with a tone of a sarcastic laugh as he looked at me like an exploding time bomb.

"And you were going to tell me ...... when?" I asked wanting to murder him right here right now for hiding information, yes I could see everything he could but I don't have that knowledge he has!

"Does now count?" Lucas questioned, I smiled as he shut his mouth knowing what I meant.

"Let's go." I told him tapping his shoulder as I snapped my fingers and we appeared In his room, he was on the couch as usual.

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