12 - World tree

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  "Aren't the rose pretty?" I asked Saeon who walked next to me rolling her eyes and tucking her hands behind her.

"I guess." She replied to my surprise!

She has the same taste as m-

"The thorns are nice." She added her eyes seeming to glow slightly as she plucked out one of the roses in her hand and held it there.

She lifted her head slightly and looked at me through her half open eyes as if she was observing me.

"What is it?" She asked me looking annoyed as she slightly scrunched her eye brows which brought her eyebrow closer slightly.

"Nothing." I replied laughing awkwardly as I looked around seeing that there was no one around to help me.

"You obviously have something to ask. Spit it." She told me tilting her head up and looked at me condensedingly.

"W-why are your eyes red?" I asked silently cursing that I was intimidated and stuttered.

"That's all?" Saeon asked as if in disbelief that my question was simple.

I didn't think it was that simple!

"Because I don't want to look like that idiotic king." She replied as the rose in her hand started to disintegrate turning from red to black and as a guest of wind blew it flew away as if it became ashes, as it disappeared she crushed the rose with her hand and when her hand was in a clenching position the rose was gone into ashes.

"Why red?" I asked watching her and where the rose once was.

She looked like she entered a daze for a short moment before she shrugged.

Didn't Lucas say she had a forget spell casted on her...? That would make sense....

"Where's lily?" Saeon asked me.

"I think she's in the kitchen" I replied Saeon noting how much lily was literally the only person keeping her here.

"Think?" Saeon questioned her voice showing how irritated she was that I wasn't sure.

"Saeon I know you don't really trust any of us but I assure you lily isn't treated badly here." I told her watching as she fumed turning around and going back to the castle.

And there goes my attempt to get her outside....


We walked a total of 20 steps, and that is exactly how many steps away she allows herself to be away from lily.

Next time we go out I'm bringing lily along.

"Princess." I heard someone call me.

I turned around and smiled kindly.

"Lord alpheus." I said in acknowledgment of his presence.

"May I know what your doing in my private rose garden?" I questioned him seeing as this was his who knows how many times trespassing.

"I was simply out getting some fresh air, the roses are in bloom this season." He told me smiling exactly like his father.

He was the exact copy of him other then the fact that he isn't too power hungry but he has his father's.... Behaviors.

"I can see that, quite lovely aren't they?" I replied him still keeping a kind smile since he wasn't exactly a threat.

"I didn't know the princess had a twin." He said.

Remember what I just said about not being a threat?

Yeah scratch that.

"Obelia only has one princess lord alpheus, I'm afriad you've mistaken someone." I replied to him.

"I even heard the servers calling her 'Athanasia'" he added joyfully as if he had just opened a birthday gift.

"Hahaha! That's a joke that has been going around the emerald palace." I said waving it off noting to myself that i had some rats in my palace.

Lucas even probably knew but didn't do anything since it's not that big of a deal unless they start to get too close.

"Oh? May I know about this joke?" He questioned still smiling as if he wasn't plotting anything at all.

"I'm afriad that this would take awhile and I wouldn't want to waste lord alpheus time." I said trying to plan my retreat.

"It's perfectly fine, the princess is more important then any work I have." He replied to me.

Get the message!

Actually no you probably get the message but please just follow the message for god's sake!

  Actually no! For my sake!

"Princess have you heard of the rumours going around in the magician sector?" He asked me.

I shook my head relieved that he was changing the topic.

"Apparently someone is trying to get a branch from the world tree and it's causing a few problems."


But Lucas already has all the mana he needs! He wouldn't go to the world tree for another!

What if it's for Saeon? But he won't do that unless asked!

But no one else can get to the world tree!

Can you please stay simple!

Why does everything have to be complicated for me!!!!!

  "Is that so?" I replied playing it off cool and not trying to give off any hints by giving a huge reaction similar to how my brain was working right now.

  "Yes, ah! I forgot your the crown princess now. I must have been disturbing your work pase. I shall take my leave." He told me turning around and walking as if he didn't just trespass.

  Did he come to me just to inform me of that?

  I don't know if that's helpful or not but I know it's going to give me another headache...

  Just like Lucas 'Leave it up to me'.

  Like how am I supposed to do that! I can't stop worrying about why Saeon is here!

  I trust him yes, I mean he's literally one of the most powerful man alive but that doesn't mean I don't worry!

  I sighed as I walked back to the palace my brain racing through and going into overheat mode.

  "I guess I'm going to be doing paperwork... Yay me..." I mumbled to myself as I groaned and dragged my feet back to my office and bedroom.

  I'm never going to live in peace am I...?

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