11 - leave it up to me

118 10 11

  "Morning Saeon!" The girl who looked identical to me walked into my room.

"What's the cherry mood for?" I questioned not liking how much she was like this ball of sunshine and flames that I wanted to extinguish.

She shrugged.

What the hell does that mean?

"It's your third day here! How are you finding it so far?" She asked me seeming to be just so fully of energy and sunshine and bullshit today.

I scoffed.

"I was barely awake most of the time thanks to that magician of yours." I replied not holding back on the venom that fell with every word dropped.

"Ah right... Sorry about Lucas, he really isn't bad. Just very I'll mannered." She told me sitting down next to me on my bed.

"Did you not sleep well?" She asked me probably noticeing my paler skin and also slight darkness under my eyes.

"Athanasia...? You alright?"

"Your lucky I managed to find you."

"Hm? Yeah fine." I replied accidentally zoning out into the dream I had.

Who is that person.

Definitely a male... Base on his stance he didn't seem to pick up swords...

"Should I get you some lavender?" She asked me seeming worried when she didn't even come check on me at all yesterday.

"Why lavender?" I asked trying to keep myself civil since my lack of sleep contributes to an increase amount of fights

"Because they can have a calming effect." She told me smiling sweetly like a dumb fool.

I just mindlessly nodded.

"You should get some sleep before lily comes, she will worry if she sees you like this." Athanasia told me.

My ears perked up at the name lily.

"Wait no! Don't kill her!"

"She didn't do anything wrong!"

"You lame excuse of a lover!"

Yes... I remember those days...

Sitting in that dungeon, behind bars.

Crying shouting yelling for help, not for myself but for lily.

And they still killed her...

I want their heads.

I won't rest untill I get them.

"Saeon?" Athanasia called snapping me back to attention.

I nodded and lied back down in my bed.

I'll get you one day Felix... I'll make you regret everything.

I closed my eyes with the only thoughts in my head being revenge...

I need to get revenge...

"Come on! Don't waste your life on them, why can't you just give me the command and their all dead."

Not you again...

"One word and I'll blow up the whole of obelia."

Shut up... No one ever did help me.

I was alone...

Always alone...

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