13 - earthquake

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  "Damn it, where are you hiding..." I cursed to myself as I teleported to a new place in the same town.

Did he and Jennette leave without telling the princess?

My ears picked up on something as my whole body felt it.

Why were the animals running...?

That's not normal, this place doesn't have earthquakes.

Is this magic? No I feel no mana.

The ground under my feet started to shake as I heard people start to panic.

Okay two options, one go back home and ignore this.

Two try and save the stupid people.

The image of the princess crying because I didn't save Jennette and the majesty's brother who I don't even know if they are still here came into my head as I sighed knowing that I really had only one option.

The buildings over here we're not made to withstand an earthquake, things will definitely fall over and base on what I can feel right now buildings may even collapse.

I snapped my fingers and a purple magic circle appeared not only around me but the entire village and in the center of those circles with rune writing decorating it was me.

Everyone was cautious of the magic circle that appeared under their feet but it's not like I really cared as everyone looked at my direction.

The shaking in the ground died as I had managed to lock the ground with magic but of course it would only stay activated if I kept providing it with mana.

This spell wouldve took days and most of the time to save mana the magician would draw it out and then activate it but I didn't have that time or luxury to quickly draw it out.

While I would appreciate if other magicians help me maintain this stupid much providence of mana I knew no one could help, other then anyone of the royal blood which the only one who is around I don't even know if they are around.

I can probably hold this up for.... An hour ish? Maybe more if I really pushed it, but this should end in a few seconds.

I stood there and tapped my feet waiting for the earthquake to end as all the people around me looked perplexed.

If the old men's brother was here wouldn't he have noticed this huge magic circle?

If he has why isn't he presenting himself?

Or maybe... Is he the one causing this?

Is that bastard able to get to the world tree?


"Mister...?" I heard someone call in the crowd that had been looking at me like I was some beast.

I looked down and saw it was a little girl, at the height of my knee with brunette hair and brown eyes.

"Thank you." The little girl chirpped.

I just nodded seeing that her mother was at the side looking between us like I was going to kill this girl at my feet.

She hasn't done anything wrong so why would I kill her? Waste of energy.

"Run along." I told her as she looked completely fasinated by me instead of being scared as she waved to me and headed back to her mother who wrapped her arms protectively around her child.

Strange reaction, just like the princess. Shouldn't you fear me like everyone who i s currently looking at me?

I glanced at them looking at them in the eye which caused them to flinch and look away going to their home.

My magic circle faded slowly as it slowly contracted back to me and disappeared as if it were never there.

I should probably head back to the palace... Who knows what happened...

My eyes scanned my surroundings seeing that everything was fine before I snapped my fingers and disappeared from their sight.

I was in the princess bedroom which was off where I wanted to be but that's fine.

"How long have you been working?" I spoke seeing her jump in her chair and nearly fall off if it wasn't for the slight wind spell I casted making sure she didn't fall which she wouldn't have detected.

"Jeez! Don't scare me like that!" She yelled at me her voice peaking.

"I didn't even hear you come through the door- wait... Did you even use the door?" She asked me as she leaned on her chair stabilizing her breathing.

"No, I just came back." I told her as I walked towards her shifting into my teenage form to save up mana.

"Did you manage to find him?" She asked me looking down at her paper.

"No, frankly speaking I'm suspecting that he isn't even there." I replied standing on the other side of the desk opposite of the princess.

"What? And can you move? Your blocking my light." She said tapping the pen against the wooden table.

"When I was there, there was an earthquak-"

"What!?" She screamed now dropping the pen and having her full attention on me.

"Would you let me speak?" I asked her irritated since I had been so nice to her thing to abide by her wishes.

"I stopped it and I would've thought that if he were there he would've came up to me." I told her as I dragged a chair over and sat on it but instead of my back facing the back of the seat my back was facing the air while I was resting my head on the back of the chair.

"But that place doesn't have earthquakes..." She mumbled out.

"Unless..." She said mumbling off.

Does she know what's going on?

"Speak up." I told her not liking being left in the dark.

"Ijekiel told me that someone was hunting the world tree." She said.

That would make sense...

"When did you meet up with him? I didn't know you had an appointment with the young lord." I said using a kinder term that what was in my head since I wanted information, not a fight.

"He tres- I mean I visited the alpheus mansion... To discuss somethings! Yes that's what I did." She told me.

I nodded.

"But the real elephant in the room is... Who other then me can even touch the world tree...?" I asked her.

The room fell silent as we both realized what we were really dealing with.

I could almost see the fear spark in the princesses eyes.

This is bad isn't it...

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