2 - Stay

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  "She's from another world." Lucas flat out told me.



"She's not-"

"She is indeed not her." Lucas confirmed.


"She has mana, alot of it. And if I'm not mistaken you said the book athanasia had no mana." Lucas explained.

"In fact she's also a-"

"Ugh..." We both stopped talking as we heard a groan from her.

Slowly her eyes opened.

My jaw dropped.

She didn't have my eyes..

Her eyes were blood red.

She used her elbow and got up.

She looked around and when she spotted me and Lucas it took her a full minute to register that we were right there.

"Who in the world are you!" She said immediately panicking and jumping up.

"Get out!" She screamed taking her bedside table lamp and throwing it at me.

Lucas had already cast a barrier around me so it shattered against the barrier dealing no harm to me.

"What do you think your doing?" Lucas asked his voice calm.

It was more scary then him straight up yelling.

"You have the audacity to say that after you barged into my room!?" She yelled.

To my suprise a magic circle appeared around her hand as a shard appeared infront of it directing it straight at Lucas.

Lucas set up shards too but they were red instead of hers which were in blue.

It was as if the whole world war was happening Infront of my eyes.

"Wait- please! Calm down!" I yelled not wanting a fight to begin even though it had already began.

"Calm down!? Tell me that after you have people randomly appear in your room!" The girl yelled as she started making fireballs.

"Open your eyes you blind women, you aren't even in your room." Lucas retorted his voice calm.

"Huh? Then you must be kidnappers!" She said throwing two fireballs.

One at me and one at Lucas.

I used what limited amount of knowledge I had on magic and made the fireball stop then extinguish it while Lucas fought fire with fire.

"We aren't kidnappers! Please just calm down! Let's talk about this!" I said suggesting a peaceful way.

Lord I should've known peace was not an option.

I just sat there as the two seemed to have forgotten about me and started fighting with impressive magic spells.

"Are you finally going to speak now?" Lucas said after several minutes since he had managed to overpower the girl and right now she was sitting in a chair and tired up with magic.

She growled.

Lucas sighed.

"I think I should just kill you, this would solve everything so much faster." Lucas said.

"Try! Go ahead, I'm not that easy to kill!" The girl Challanged.

"Are you kidding me? I've spent the last few minutes of my dear time making sure you didn't damage the room only for it to be stained in your blood." Lucas said.

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