We meet again - Side Story

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  "Lucas, if you think of anything else other than your work right now, I will smack you so hard that you will bleed." Athanasia threatened Lucas who had sat her on his lap smirking at her as he rested his hands around her waist.

"But you're on my lap Sia~ how can I think of anything else but you." Lucas teased Athanasia whose cheeks reddened as she moved her elbow to jab him though lucas didn't react seemingly used to her attacks

"You forced me." Athsnaisa replied, which was the truth since Lucas lured her with the puppy act to sit on his lap and be by his side while he was doing his experiments.

"Can I have a kiss?" Lucas asked as Athanasia blushed and lowered her head refusing to look at Lucas.

"This is cute and all, but I really wanna get this meet and greet over and done with." A voice spoke as Saeon immediately got out of Lucas grasp accidentally stepping on his leg which made him hiss in pain.

"Jihee? What are you doing here?" Saeon asked as she tried to shimmer down her red cheeks while Jihee looked at Lucas and sheepishly smiled.

"Well you see... I missed you so I was complaining to Lucas and one thing led to another and bam we're here!" Jihee said, raising her arms and speaking like an animated character as she held Saeon's hands.

"Also Lucas, how dare you ruin their cute moments!" Jihee let go of Saeons hands and walked back to Lucas who let out a "tch!" sound.

"I'd rather have a 'cute' moment with you then watch them have one, princess." Lucas told Jihee who sighed as Saeon looked at the other Lucas with one eyebrow raised.

"Too much sugar?" Saeon asked as the other Lucas nodded, almost immediately she turned to her Lucas and glared telling him "Don't get any funny ideas." while Lucas frowned with an innocent expression.

"What~I wanna see if you'll act cute like that too... you hit me so many times compared to their relationship sia..." Her Lucas said like he was whining as Saeon looked ticked.

"If you didnt try to flirt with me every breathing moment or you didnt do stupid thing why would i hit you in the first place?! Plus it's not like you're ever truly hurt.." Saeon defended herself while Lucas groaned, mumbling under his breath something along the lines of "But it's more fun to tease you..."

"Sia?" Jihee questioned as Saeons cheeks flared another shade of red while her Lucas seemed to perk up.

"She'll never admit it but she secretly likes the nickname~" Her Lucas said as Saeon jabbed him to keep his mouth shut.

"Lucas~Why don't you call me Sia too?!" Jihee whined as Jihee's Lucas seemed amused at her behaviour.

"Princess, if I call you Sia your dad would want me dead and keep me away from you. Not that it would work but I know you care about his opinions." Jihee's lucas lightly pat Jihee on the head as she pouted like a hamster.

"How's things between you two?" Saeon asked as Jihee abandoned Lucas and went right in front of Saeon's face with a wide smile as she showed her hand to Saeon.

Saeon seemed shocked for a moment before she really processed what Jihee was showing her.

"Hehe~! We're engaged!" Jihee announced like an excitable rabbit as she ran back to Lucas and hooked his arm with hers.

"I thought that was a marriage ring... that's way too fancy for an engagement ring." Saeon told Jihee's Lucas who shrugged with a grin.

"I give her the best and only the best of things. Jealous?" Jihee's Lucas asked while Saeon immediately shook her head and stuck out her tongue in disgust.

"Lucas take notes. If you get me a ring like that I will not only reject it but I'll throw it back at you." Saeon told her Lucas as Lucas sighed with a depressed nod.

"When's the wedding?" Saeon asked Jihee who smiled giddily and held up 3 fingers still giggling.

"3 months." Jihee's lucas replied for her as Jihee pouted mumbling "I wanted to tell her...".

"We can make it there right?" Saeon asked Lucas who nodded while he seemed to set up a reminder using what Saeon labelled as a 'calendar'.

"Princess, I think it's time to go home." Jihee's lucas told Jihee who pouted.

"But I don't wanna go home~I wanna see Saeon and her cute moments." Jihee whined as Lucas sighed.

"Oh right!" Jihee waved her hand and a bag of biscuits appeared in her hand, she basically ran to Saeon passing her the bag of biscuits as Jihee looked at her excitedly.

"Lily's biscuits, share some with your lucas too." Jihee told Saeon as she ran back to her Lucas.

"Home now?" Jihee's lucas asked Jihee who pouted but nodded anyway as she looked like she was about to cry, Jihee's Lucas mumbled under his breath so softly that no one would hear "This is how shes going to behave if she was pregnant isn't she...".

"Don't cry... Princess, you'll see them again." Jihee's Lucas told her , almost instantly any tears that were about to fall were retracted as a wide happy smile replaced it while Jihee turned to Saeon and waved a goodbye.

just like that the pair from wmmap was gone as the tower fell silent.

"So... Can we resume what we were about to do?" Lucas asked athanasia who blushed instantly as she looked away.

"No, I'm going to take a shower!" Athanasia told Lucas as she stormed out of his work room.

Lucas sighed as the door closed and took out a box from his pocket, inside it was basically the same ring Jihee was wearing but alot simpler with only one ruby inside the ring instead of Jihees which had several rubies and the golden band was carved with intricate patterns.

"Guess i need to change this... again..."

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