Help Claude (2) - side story

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  "You better come back you idiot magician, or else I will mock you at your grave for thinking your so high and mighty." Athanasia threatened me, she really wasn't going to tell me a normal way of saying ' I miss you, don't die'.

I held out the branch in my hand as I smiled at Athanasia.

"As if I'll let you do that, you'd probably punch me in my grave if you could." I joked as I saw how her eyes showed worry that she tried to hold back.

I wonder if it was the right thing to not tell athanasia about what the black magic spells are...

"I- I will find some way to do that!" She told me her eyes watering, why did she have to look so cute?

"In the meantime, you can prepare your epic 'Im so glad your back' speech." I told her as I sat down next to Claude who was sleeping on the couch while I sat on the floor.

"As if I'll do that!" She said smiling.

I took her hand and kissed it lightly watching how she went red instantly, so amusing.

"Get it done soon, or else the sun will rise and I'll have to hide you." She told me, I nodded.

I looked at the tree branch.

"Lucas." I spoke.

Instantly I felt a headache, like my head was splitting into two.

Wow, I wonder how people tolerate this...

I could hear everything, see everything.

I felt someone call me.

I looked up and saw her, she's really there!?

I had the calmest look on my face while my head was the messy like it's going to kill me kind of pain.

The maximum signs of pain I had was slightly limping and scrunched up eyebrows.

"Hello Lucas." A lady with blond hair identical to athanasias and purple-pink eyes said.

"Diana? No wonder Claude was still alive, you were protecting him." I spoke as the headache cleared the moment I saw her, a fragment of a soul...

She nodded smiling, I see where athanasia got her smile from.

"I apologize for his attitude... How's athy doing?'" Diana asked me, athy? That must be a pet name.

"Fine, without him might I add." I told her as I felt like I got dragged into a tea party.

"I figured, he wasn't always like this." Diana said, her voice showing... Pity? I guess she did love him once.

"At least she has one good parent." I replied as a way of showing slight comfort, Diana chuckled as if it was for the sake of humoring me.

"How would you know that?" Diana questioned.

"Any parent would give up their life in a heart beat to save their child, so by that terms I would say your a good parent." I replied shrugging my shoulders, I don't even remember my own family so I had no better comparison.

"I guess then you are correct." Diana said seeming amused.

"Thank you.For bringing athanasia into the world" I told Diana, I literally had no other time to say this a soul fragment only appears when they want to.

After this she will probably disappear...

"I've been watching you and athy, honestly I should be thanking you for taking this good care of her. She might slightly violent but she doesn't have any ill will." Diana replied as she smiled at me, I wonder if athanasia will grow up to look like her... I could just look into the future but that'll spoil everything...

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