6 - Old men

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  "If you move that budget over there won't it under state that part?"I mumbled to myself tapping my finger against the wooden table.

"What if I deduct some from... The gardening? No, that won't work. Why did daddy hand me all the financial management. Yet I still have the same budget as before... Oh I can just do thi-"


I think my ears just bled.

'Whats going on now?' I thought as I stood up at lighting speed rushing out of the room.

I felt my heart race as I speed over to where the sound was from.

"What's going on?" I said as I arrived at the scene.

To my suprise it looked like nothing happened, everything was untouched.

I was expecting a huge crack in the ground and maybe even dimension portals to pop up.

"Princess... It seems as though I was irresponsible and didn't take in the fact that Athanasia may react badly to Felix..." Lily said looking as if she was in a daze and unaware of what was going on.


Why is she blaming herself!?

"When athanasia saw Felix she attacked him and said something like "I'll protect lily" Sir Lucas came in and stoped the fight then casted a sleeping spell on her." Lily explained her speech getting faster and faster till the point where it became inaudible.

"Lily that is by no means your fault. Go take a break. I'll tell Felix to come out and you two go spend some time together." I told her.

Yes I found the two cute.

But now wasn't the time for that.

I went into the room.

"Felix lily said she needs to speak to you." I told Felix.

I know lily never said that but it was the most effective way of getting Felix out.

Felix nodded and walked out of the room, at a slightly faster pace if I do say so myself.

"What happened?" I asked slowly walking towards Saeon.

I froze seeing how pale she was.

"Her mana exploded." Lucas said.


"I thought lily explained?" Lucas said sighing.

"She did but very vaguely." I replied.

I may or may not have already forgotten about what lily said...

"When this changeling saw Felix she panicked and started attacking him saying she was protecting lily. I stepped in and caged her but her mana was still going wild and just before it exploded I cast a sleeping spell on her." Lucas explained.

I nodded.

I looked over at saeon.

My eyes widened as fear sunk in me.

She had blood slowly flowing out of her mouth.

I internally winched as I remembered the time when I spat out blood.

"She has blood coming out of her mouth." I told Lucas my voice slightly shaky.

Lucas just nodded.

He knew and didn't do anything!

His selfishness never seem to stop amazing me!

I went towards her and tried to clean it with my hand.

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