19 - Happy that time

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  "Lucas it's not funny to joke like that..." She said as she lightly petted me on the back while forcing a laugh.

I didn't even bother replying her as I just looked at her and waited, her eyes shifted to mine as they practically begged for me to say I was kidding but I was not.

"Lucas...?" She called fully knowing I wasn't joking but still insisted on her wishful thinking as reality slowly set into her head.

"B-but I can't tell her to go back there!" She yelled at me as I just kept quiet knowing how everything was going to play out.

"I-I can't!" Her voice peaked as her eyes started to water, to her this wasn't sending the changling back to her dimension.

She didn't have the time to get too attached to the changling or else this would be 10× worse, this was purely giving up on the past her who wanted to be loved and have a place to feel safe more then anything else.

I watched how she was trying to figure out a alternative yet she knew there was none, fate is fate.

I reached out and did what shocked myself and her I moved behind her and just silently hugged her, she looked like she was about to just break down into a million pieces.

That's when she just started bawling out in tears as incoherent words fell out of her mouth.

"I-I just- I thought i-i could save myself from that time." She said as she felt like trashing the whole room but couldn't manage to do so as I just held her still.

It hurt seeing the princess cry,it just felt like the time I came back from the world tree all over again.

I wasn't going to let the princess just slowly fade out of existence, if she couldn't let her go I knew I would toss that changling back where she belonged even if that meant the princess would hate me for life.

"I'm okay now..." She mumbled so quietly that I almost missed it, I didn't let her go not admitting to her that I was enjoying her just being there in my arms.

"Uh... You know you can let me go now right...?" She asked me as I just humed but didn't move.

"It's up to you princess, tell her to leave now or I make her leave." I told her giving her the only two options, both of which ended the same way.

"What would happen if you stayed another 8 days?" She asked me really considering that as an option.

"Your going to slowly deteriorate, I

We are not risking seeing if you can last another 8 days." I told her firmly knowing having the idea of her being gone burnt in my head and making that the only outcome I can see from this option.

"Do I have to tell her?" She asked me not liking the idea of sending the changling away still.

"I can." I offered but she immediately said no to it since I didn't have mercy for the changling and was not going to Suger quote it in the slightest.

"Her mana out beats yours right now and for all I know it's not by a tiny amount, the quicker she gets sent home the better." I told her.

"Can I at least spend the rest of the time with her...?" She pleaded looking at me to see if that was a possibility.

This is all in my expense princess, I think you have forgotten that...

"It does not feel nice to be trampled over like that princess." I told her while she glanced over at me completely oblivious to what I was saying.

"Fine, but I have to be there." I said, I watched as a smile spread on her face not even thinking about how many times I'll have to alter her mana at night for the sake of her.

"For now though... You are going to sit at that desk and finish your work princess. We don't need you to be worrying about that for tomorrow." I told her and chuckled when she groaned and whined about work releasing her from my hug and making my way from the side of her bed to her desk.

"Can you at least help me by getting me a clone...?" She requested.

Princess, you've basically ignored my wellbeing so I think me not giving you a clone isn't even close to what I'm going to have to put up with.

"No, good luck." I told her sitting down on the couch next to her table.

"So your just going to sit there and watch me suffer being 'busy-breathing'!?" She said as if it were a real shocker as she stood up.

I smiled and nodded.

Deal with it princess, I'm not helping you.

~Saeon POV~

The princess really needs new guards, these people are nothing.

They didn't even notice the different coloured eyes and just let me through without second question.

I sat there reading hearing another person's footsteps and mana wave.

Weakling, can't use mana I observed lifting my head to see who it was.

A man with white hair and golden eyes peaked out of the corner in his well dressed suit looking like a lord.

"Princess, it's nice to see you." He said approaching me.

I've seen him before... 



Right! Jennette's fiance!

"What are you doing here?" I questioned him not bothering to fake being the real princess no one told me my presence can't be known.

"I was just borrowing some books." He told me wearing a smile.

Was he close with this dimension athanasia?

"In the princess private library?" I questioned again suspicious of this man who confidently walked in, I can't trust anyone with those guards even letting me in.

"Yes, that would seem to be the case." He said.

I don't think he's allowed to be here...

"Do whatever you want and leave." I told him getting back to my book as I labeled him as 'not important and no threat.

"Oh...! Your not the princess are you...?"

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