16 - Branch or fruit?

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  "I'll stay." He told me as he sat down on my bed seeming to be slightly concerned.

"We need to talk about the whole chimera thing anyway." He said snapping his fingers making my feet move on their own and sit down next to him, he gave me a even more concerned glance seeing that i didn't react or scream at him.

Face stop burning!

"Are you crying? Strange... Your mana doesn't show that you are..." Lucas told me words that sounded like an ancient spell that made no sense to my dying brain.

"Your mana doesn't even show that your panicking like you were before.. it's calm like it would be normally..." He analyzed as if I were a specimen.

"So about Jennette!" I spoke gaining what little confidence reminded in me.

"Right... How would the changling react?" Lucas asked bringing in Saeon which I didn't even think of!

"Saeon... She said she didn't really mind Jennette so I don't think she'd really care..." I replied Lucas noting his still concerned expression.

I'm fine!

Just... Just... I don't know!

"Plus she spends most of her time with lily so I don't think she'd notice Jennette." I added filling in the gaps of silence.

"She would notice, chimeras mana wave stick out like a sore thumb." Lucas pointed out since Saeon sees what he sees which I would never understand.

Wait ..

If she's me...

Then shouldn't I be able to see mana waves too!?!

"What are you thinking?" He asked me leaning so his face was Infront of mine.

"If Saeon and me are biologically the same person then shouldn't I be able to see mana waves too?" I questioned Lucas who gave me the look that told me I asked a dumb question.

"Being able to see mana waves the user must have alot of mana. I've already told you Saeon has the same mana capacity as you yet somehow she's storing more then her capacity." Lucas explained to me.

I nodded as my brain tried to work like an analyzer scanning the information word by word.

"How should we find uncle?" I asked Lucas my brain gears slowly turning.

"He cares about that chimera, so as long as we have her here he'll come too. Eventually." Lucas replied to my question not seeming too worried about finding him.

Suddenly a thought crossed my mind.

"Lucas... Is he able to contact the world tree?" I questioned caution coating my words.

"There is a possibility but it is unlikely, why would that man need more mana?" Lucas told me looking as if he was deep in thought weighing out all possibilities.

"Then where else could he be... " I mumbled.

Never have I felt more useless then now sitting there lost and clueless about what in the world was going on.

"You should settle the budget tomorrow." Lucas said almost as a warning since he knew that I would wake up in the middle of the night to get work done.

"It's getting late. You should sleep." He told me .

"Can you stay, at least untill I fall asleep?" I asked him not really knowing why I was asking just wanting his presence.

Conflict was written on his face before he sighed and nodded his head snapping his fingers and changing my into a nightgown.

"Now sleep." He commanded using magic to get my to lie down.

Despite how rude he was being I smiled.

I'm not alone...

~Anastacius POV~


How do I do this again?

There isnt exactly a book guide on this.

Then again this thing is a myth to most people so who would write a guide to how to get it's fruit?

"Would you give me a fruit?" I asked not knowing what to do and awkwardly standing around like a fool.

The tree didn't reply.

Of course, it's a tree why on earth did I think it would talk?

I mean there are talking plants but those have mana!

Wait ... But technically doesn't this tree have mana?

Then why doesn't it talk?

Maybe because it's legendary and... I don't know...

I walked around the tree looking at the bark having no clue how do I get a fruit.

I need some mana to continue with my experiment, plus send that poor girl back home...

Do I water the tree..?

"Do you need water?" I shouted at the bright literally shining huge tree that just waved at the non existent wind.

Stupid, of course it won't reply!

That's the millionth time you've tried to get it to talk!

And your still trying for some idiotic reason!

"Pathetic." Yes I agree I'm patheti-

Wait .. I'm not the one who said that ..

"You really think this stubborn thing will just head you a branch on a silver plate?" He asked me.

I didn't get a good look at his face since he was wearing a cape with the hood on.

I stood there unsure of who this man was.

Almost no one knows this tree exist and even less people can get here so who is this magician.

Also what did he mean by branch?

I thought you were supposed to get a fruit...

"If you want a branch." He said as he lifted up one hand as a fireball started to grow.

Bigger and bigger and bigger.

Should I be concerned for the tree?

Are you sure your allowed to hurt a legend?

"You gotta take it." He told me throwing the fireball at the tree.

I watched in amazement as the fireball flew towards the tree.

"You stupid magician! I already told you no!" The tree spoke...

The tree spoke!?

Wait so all this time I was talking like a mindless fool!?!

And the tree just didn't want to talk to me??!

"Oh wait, your not him. But... You are him?" The tree spoke in riddles waving it's branches in the air.

I can't believe it....

All this time it could talk and yet refused to say anything!?

Why was I being played as a fool!?!

"Shut the hell up and let's get to business shall we?" The man said setting his foot on one of the trees protruding roots seeming to look more superior then the legend of a tree itself.

"Let's see how many branches I can get off you, shall we?"

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