21 - outing (1)

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  "You know this honestly seems like a trap." She told me looking down at the water while I held my blue umbrella that had frails decorating the top, daddy gave me this condition that if I was going boating I needed to carry an umbrella for some strange reason.

I'm already quite fair did they think a little bit of sun was going to get me skin cancer?

"Well all the dangerous plants in this pond got removed thanks to da- Claude." I told her watching her gaze at the lake seeming to glare at her own reflection, I wonder why... It's not like the reflection did anything bad to her.

"There were plants in this pond..?" Saeon asked me her hand slightly touching the water as she let her fingers get slightly soaked watching the pond water intently.

"Yeah ... When I was younger there was a plant here that had a pretty translucent flower with testicles under it... What are you doing?" I asked her watching how she was paying a little bit too much attention to the water.

She didn't reply me instead just kept looking at the water, I turned to look at what was do interesting .

My eyes grew wide as I looked at the view, sure maybe night time it would've looked nice bit even in the day...

It looked magical...

The whole lake was glowing...

Not really but there were spots where the lake was emitting light and it wasn't just white, there was yellow and blue light too.


Didn't Lucas do this once too? Well it was at night time so it was more impressive.

I looked over at Saeon excited but my smile faltered as I watched her glare at the water as if it did something wrong to her.


Wasn't she the one who casted this spell? Lucas won't do this and I'm not doing anything because Lucas requested it so she's the one casting this spell.

"Hey jihee." She called getting a small flinch out of me as she looked over at me still frowning.

"Has your magic been acting... Strange?" She asked me as I just stared at her wide eyed.

"Why?" I questioned trying to not answer her question since I didn't think it'd be a good choice.

"Mana has been moving strangely." She told me taking her hand out of the water and shaking it dry.


Lucas can you give me a good reply...?


Don't want her to go...

"Maybe it's because someone is trying to steal a branch from the world tree." Lucas suggested appearing beside us floating ontop of the lake.

"Did you need to come along?" Saeon mildly snapped at Lucas who didn't seem to care.

"Yes, who knows what would happen with these two mana clashing." Lucas said shrugging his shoulder and giving Saeon that expression of 'The feeling is mutual '.

"I can take care of myself." Saeon told him grumbling as she faced the other way, just nice we arrived in a full circle and she exited the boat gracefully while I tumbled after her.

"Do you wanna go to town?" I suggested as I dusted off my dress and Lucas trailed behind me, I knew his expression and frankly speaking this was a rare chance and I'm taking it.

"You can do that?" Saeon asked seeming semi shocked that I even dare to sneak off alone, not that it was really alone since Lucas was always there.

"Sure, have you ever been to obelia's town?" I questioned as Lucas sent me the obvious 'What are you doing..?' look, I dare you to try and stop me.

"N-... Yes .... I lived in there when I escaped from the castle... I think... Does the town have a strange tower that was tall and had stone bricks around it?" Saeon asked me while I gave her the look of 'what....?' as I slowly glanced over to Lucas who gave me the same look.

"By any chance was is surrounded by a bunch of trees?" I inquired as Lucas also gained interest in the topic.

"Yes... Oh right it wasn't in the town... Strange." She mumbled to herself as she snapped her fingers, instantly her fancy gown turned into a commoners everyday clothing.

"Well, let's go." She told me looking expectant.

"Lucas, do you wanna teleport us because or else I would teleport there myself." I said looking over at him, he opened his mouth wanting to argue but just sighed as he snapped his fingers.

I was changed into a simple dress which was at the same time pretty yet plain, Lucas was in his normal black overall with one shoulder off the side and white t-shirt.

"Is there a magic shop around here?" I asked Lucas looking over my shoulder up at him.

"I know where one is." Saeon said to my surprise as she walked Infront of me like she had full confidence, maybe she once lived in the village?

I followed Saeon and Lucas did too, I had to refrain from going towards all the delicious smells that were screaming my name and begging to be devoured.

She opened a store and walked right in, sure enough inside was full of objects that were enchanted.

"Morning." Saeon greeted smiling.


Is this the Saeon I knew...?

"You know the magic is looking low today." Saeon said making both me and Lucas very confused as the shop keeper widdened their eyes and looked around as if there was a secret being told.

"Here..." The keeper said bending down and grabbing a tray of items and placing it on the table, it just looked like everything else in the store.

Saeon picked up a broche and looked at it analyzing, one by one she tried all of them and examined them.

"All those are for battle enchantments." Lucas told me whispering as he could see what was going on.

"Who... Are you...?" The shop keeper asked.


Who are you...

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