23 - Bye bye

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  "Athanasia..." I called seeing her right Infront of me, why did I underestimate her ability to see mana...

"This is confusing, your here yet there at the same time." She said pointing towards the duo who seemed to be so deep in conversation they haven't noticed athanasia disappearing.

"I can remove the memory spell." I told her, she looked at me with a question mark written on her face.

"This is weird to trust you when I have no clue who you are, why is your presence calming?" She asked me as she looked at me who was in my adult form while the other me was in teenager form and cut his hair for unknown reason.

"Maybe because you know me?" I suggested not expecting her to be this conflicted with her own feeling, I guess the spell was fading alot.

"Here, I know you won't stand still for me to do this." I said snapping my fingers, I could see the shock in her eyes when she could no longer move, I know her well enough that if I had gotten close enough to undo the memory spell she would have kicked or punched or threw a fireball at me.

"It won't take long." I told her walking up to her and lightly touching her forehead with my finger as a small circle surrounded my finger.

She went blank for a moment.




"You bastard son of a bitch lame excuse of a human!" She exploded, not literally.

"You don't get to scold me! How much of my mana have you been using?!" I said glad that I put that paralysis spell on her, I needed to free her and get hit eventually I was delaying the inevitable.

"You were the one who cast that damn binding spell! How am I responsible for that!" She yelled getting the attention of the two people who were technically us standing right behind us.

"That was an apology gift for eating that damn beast of yours, would you rather not be able to use magic at all?" I explained not seeing her point as I knew she was mad which was when everything that came out of her mouth made no sense.

"Can we all cal-"

"With all due respect, this is none of your business." I told the girl behind me who looked identical to my athanasia,other then her red ruby eyes which were my idea when she suggested changing her eye colour.

"You will not be rude to the princess." The other me said seeming irked at my tone, not that I said anything wrong.

"Lucas, release me right now or else I will punch you till you pass out." Athanasia told me in a 'im trying to be calm so don't test me.' voice.

"Won't you do that anyway?" I questioned while undoing the paralysis.

Immediately I knew I had to move, or at least put up a barrier spell, actually a barrier spell sounds like a better solution.

"I can make you run out of mana right her, right now if you don't put that barrier down." Athanasia told me as she held a tiny water ball in her hand.

"That would not be a good move as I am out enterence ticket back home." I told her, she huffed and nodded still mad.

"Your... Going home? Right now?" The girl asked athanasia seeming sad as I predicted.

"Yes, I have someone to kill back home." Athanasia replied to the girl who looked lost.

"Your finally going to let me kill him?" I questioned, she sighed and shook her head pointing to me.

"I mean this guy." Athanasia informed still having her finger directed right at me.

"Ah... I see... Are you two courting?" She asked athanasia who went red, not super red but still red.

"Princess, he's me in all dimensions I have always tried to protect you." The other Lucas told the girl a sentence which I completely agree with.

"And your for information we are not courting." Athanasia added.

"Yet." I whispered under my breath which athanasia heard and sent me death glares.

I was already in a hole I can't possibly dig deeper.

"Can't you stay one more night?" The girl begged, she looks like a hamster I wonder if I can get my athanasia to look the same way.

"Princess, I think it's better they get themselves out before I throw them out." The guy said with the tone of 'please don't do this or I will kill someone'.

"Okay.... Bye... I'll miss you..." The girl said running past me and to athanasia where she gave her a hug.

That's not fair, she rarely ever accepts any hugs from me!

"I'll think about you sometime." My athanasia replied not hugging the girl back but not doing anything either.

"Bye...." She told my athanasia as I made the dimension rift.

My athanasia waved to the girl who seemed like she was on the brink of tears as the me talked to her like he was trying to calm her down.

Great... That's finally over...

Finally I can go back home with my athanasia.

"I am so beating your ass."

Even if it's a painful reunion.

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