Meeting (1) - Side story

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  I ran as fast as my legs could take me, keep running don't stop I chanted to myself.

Don't look back.

"There she is!" I heard someone yell, the next second I felt someone yank my hand.

I tried to fight whoever grabbed me as I opened my mouth trying to scream yet no sound came out.

"Geez! Calm down women, I'm trying to help you here." A deep voice told me, I froze as my brain processed the information.

I looked to the sir and saw guards running past us not noticing I was in a small alleyway right beside them.

"T-thank you, what do you want...?" I spoke as I stabled my breathing, only now did I look up at him red ruby eyes shining in the dark.

Mesmerizing yet terrifying making one not sure if they should stay or run.

"Your welcome, at least you have common decency. It's interesting though, your a royal pure obelian bloodline yet you don't have mana..." The man spoke as he inspected me, I guess my eyes immediately gave myself away.

I swear one day I will figure out how to gorge out my own eyes and change them.

"I don't know why I wasn't born with mana, why did you save me?" I questioned as my guard came up while I slightly distanced myself from the man who towered over me with his height.

"I figured, why not. " The man said shrugging as if it was the most usual thing to say.

"Humans don't help each other without a reason." I told him as I changed from desperate to on alert.

"Did humans get worse over generations? Who knew we would only get more greedy, then again it was kind of expected as each king got worse then the previous one." The man spoke as if he wasn't aware of what was going on in this time, what's wrong with him?

"For now, what do you think your going to do princess. Go on the run?" The man asked as if in mockery of me.

"Please never refer to me as princess, I despise that title. It never did me any good. And I guess I'll just have to run the rest of my life." I told him who shrugged.

"Why don't I offer you a deal?" The man asked, I rose an eyebrow at him, I had nothing to offer so what did he want?

"I'll give you back your princess title and give you what you've always wanted. But you need to be my guinea pig." He proposed, be his guinea pig...? As in he experiment on me?

"I never want that title back so the deal is off." I told him as I turned around.

"Your interesting..." He remarked as I laughed, interesting? That's what you call someone who's so foolish?

"I guess I'll see you around. Mr Alleyway" I told him, he looked slightly taken back at the name I gave him.

"My name is Lucas princess." He introduced with a slightly ticked off expression.

"My name is athanasia Mr Alleyway." I replied back with a smile as I pulled my hood up.

"Take care." I told him as I walked out of the alleyway, at least in the village... I won't have to be criticized at my every move...

I'll have some freedom...

~1 week later~

"Mr Alleyway." I greeted seeing him as I opened my from door.

"Stop with that name or I'll keep calling you princess forever." He replied as he welcomed himself in, rude as ever.

"Don't call me princess yo- sigh... Fine, what are you doing here Lucas?" I asked him the feeling of his name rolling of my tounge was weird, Mr Alleyway was a much better name.

"I was bored, plus I wanted to try something." Lucas told me as he slumped himself on my sofa, what's wrong with this man!?!

"Do you want mana?" He asked me as I made my way to the kitchen, I laughed at him. Mana was something you were born with.

"Sure I wish, but it's something your born with so I'm pretty much stuck manaless." I said as I boiled the water planning to make tea.

"What if I told you I could give you mana? " Lucas questioned, I looked back at him to analyze his features. He was being dead serious... But that's not possible...

"Stop messing around with me Lucas, plus what would I need mana for?" I asked him as I brought over the tray with tea cups ontop, I watched him reach over for a cup.

I slapped his hand away and gave him a stern look when he seemed shocked, he did everytime I hit him.

"Ask for it politely." I demanded, I heard him groan and grumble under his breath, pretty sure he was cursing at me.

"May I please have a cup of tea?" He requested annoyance seeping out of his voice as I smiled and slightly pushed the cup nearer to him.

"Anyway, back to the topic. You could use the mana to change your eye colour." He told me, what...?


"Here." He took a ring out of his pocket and slide it across the table to me, I looked at the silver ring with a few red rubys in it.

Hesitantly I picked it up and put it on my right- index finger, strange... I didn't feel any different...

I stood up and went to my room to the mirror in the house, there I stood blond wavy hair...

Pink eyes...



"Like it?" I heard Lucas ask, I looked at him who stood at my door way leaning against the door frame with one hand on his hip and a proud expression.

"Who... Are you?" I asked him, he laughed seeming amused.

"Let me reintroduce myself." He stopped leaning on the door frame and made his way one step at the time right Infront of me, carefully he took my hand and bowed down to lay a kiss on it.

"I am Lucas the magician of the black tower." He said with a smirk on his face, are you kidding me ....?

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