9 - Lucas daily trip

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  "Princess." Lily said knocking the door in her quiet voice as she held a tray of food securely with both her hands to ensure that it didn't drop on the floor.

Lily waited outside for a reply not seeing the princess playmate, me teleported right behind her upon having an update from my doll that informed me of the knocking of someone on the princesses door.

For the sake of not scaring lily i went into my teenager form so I wouldn't scare lily when she did nothing wrong to me.

"Lily, the princess is asleep." I said catching lily's attention so that she doesn't awake the princess with her knocking.

Lily slightly jumped in suprise since she didn't hear anyone behind her, then again how do you hear magic? Does mana have a sound...?

"How long did she stay up doing work for?" Lily asked tilting her head since it wasn't a usual thing for the princess to sleep in after she got her title as 'crown princess.'

"She had a minor mana overload because of the changeling, so she would be more tired then usual." I explained.

"Changeling...?" Lily questioned uncertain of who I was referring to.

Ah shit. She's going to lecture me for that nickname later.

"Athanasia- um. The one in the guest room." I said seeing that her Korean name wasn't going to work but her name in her word also won't work.

"Oh, wait. Did you-"

"Speaking of which! It seems like she's awake! Bye!" I said making my escape and teleporting away into the changlings room.

I watched a she got out of bed and went towards the door without even noticing my presence.

"Are you hungry?" I asked seeing as she should be around the same person the princess was which meant that the only reason she would wake up would be for food.

"Are you the same guy from yesterday?" She asked seeming to only just notice I was standing right there.

"Who would dare to impersonate the magician of the black tower?" I questioned her somewhat annoyed at her question.

She could honestly go starve for all I care but the princess would be mad at me of I left her to starve, I was already tired and by no means did I want a lecture from both lily and the princess.

"Your... Who...?" She asked looking at me like I grew another head.

"What? Are you shocked from awe?" I asked sarcastically not liking how she was acting so similar to the princess instead of being like the changlings that he had met.

"Pfft- hahaha! Why would I?" She said her eyes widening slightly as a grin creeped into her features.

"Where's lily?" She asked me having her eyes half open like her normal self rather then like the princess who always looked like she had baby doll eyes.

"You need to keep in mind that this Felix isn't the same as your Felix." I told her referring to what she did yesterday which was also the reason why he didn't get to sleep yesterday.

"I know I traveled dimensions but people between dimensions have roughly the same personality." She argued seeming defensive and more determined to go find lily.

"Have you even seen how the old man talks to the princess?" I asked her.

"Probably doesn't given two craps about her." The changlings replied shrugging as if she said nothing wrong.

"What if I told you this dimension he treats her like a spoiled brat?" I asked her watching how her confident and cocky personality immediately changed as she contemplated it.

Her internal war was written on her face if she should believe him or not.

"Believe whatever you want, lily is perfectly safe here and I will send you to the gallows if you dare disturb Felix, lily or the princess." I told her as I grinned.

"Try, we both know that princess is quite attached to me. You won't like making her upset as far as I have seen." She challanged.

"It's not that hard to make you disappear without a trace, not even a memory." I told her.

We looked like two wolves about to break out in a fight any moment.

Knock knock.

"Ms Athanasia, your food." We both recognized lily's voice and the changlings dashed to the door to open it for lily while i stood there sighing.

"Lily! Are you okay?" The changling immediately asked inspecting lily for any injury.

I refrained from making a comment that she wasn't her lily since I knew that lily would be curious as to what I mean and I didn't know if the princess wanted lily to know about the changlings real identity.

"I'm fine. I've brought food that the princess told me to bring." Lily told the changling as she passed her a tray of food.

I noticed it was chocolate cake.

I snickered to myself as I thought about how the princess had to chose to give the changling chocolate cake first thing in the morning since it was the only thing she was so sure that that changling would love since they are the same person at birth.

"Thank you. What do you eat?" The changling asked lily.

How badly does that changling think we treat lily! First we abuse her then we starve her!? Why would we do that to someone who's actually useful.

"I already ate some salad and chicken." Lily replied the changling.

"Lily, how's Felix to you?" I asked throwing a glare at the changing to make it obvious to her I was trying to prove a point.

"He's ... Sweet? He seems intimidating at first but after getting to know him he's a good knight." She replied starting to find this similar to a interogation session.

"See?" I told the changling who glared back at me.

"People can change." She told me.

"People don't change that much." I replied.

"Says the guy who's supposed to have a frozen heart yet is a whipped for the princess."

"How about!" Lily cut in stopping the fight that was about to happen.

"Sir magician, I believe his majesty has given you work hasn't he?" She asked me.

I sighed and nodded planning on my head to throw it to number 1 and 2.

"Why don't you go do that while I get athanasia dressed." She suggested.

I nodded but just before I left I heard this.

"Eh?! I can dress myself!"

I grinned in amusement at the changlings suffering.

Let's try to find that old men's brother.

I have 5 minutes, please let nothing happen in five minutes.

I've already cast a protective spell around that changling but not on her so that it doesn't cross with her mana but yet will protect those around her should her mana go berserk.

5 minutes, with at least 5 different protection and prevention spells.

Okay let's see if I can find him today.

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