14 - Don't worry

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  "Don't worry too much." Lucas told me as I crashed my head into my table with a painful thud.

  The headache is much worst then any pain my forehead is in.

"How do I not worry?" I asked him propping my head up on the table with my chin on the table.

"I'm here, there's no one more powerful then myself." He said sounding confident.

Weirdly enough it sounded more like he was trying to comfort me then to show off his ego.

"Do you think this person is tied to Saeon?" I asked Lucas.

He leaned down to my level and brushed the back of his hand against my forehead which was hurting from how hard I hit the table with my head.

"Thank you." I said to him as he shrugged.

"It is possible since opening a dimension portal is not something a mere mortal can do." Lucas stated seeming calm despite the situation.

Right he was isn't the one who freaks out, I am.

"Can we ask daddy for assistance?" I asked Lucas seeing how he showed a little bit of shock on his face for some unknown reason, I'm desperate here I need any help I can get.

"How would you want him to phrase it? 'Missing person who was supposed to be dead'?" Lucas questioned me pointing out the obvious.

  Right imagine the civilians reaction, trying to find a dead person they would think daddy had gone crazy.

"Right." I said slouching with my face against the table looking like I was sleep deprived which I wasn't, I swear it's just stres.

"Don't look so glum." Lucas told me setting his hand on my head to my surprise.

"Look on the bright side." He said to me as I titled my head to look at him.

"Which is?" I questioned letting my stress that I had been suppressing show.

Lucas looked at the sky as if he was thinking.

"The roses are blooming." He told me setting his hand off my head and snapping his fingers.

A vase of red roses appeared Infront of me and all the flowers in my room were instantly changed to red roses.

"As sweet as this is I am still stressed." I told him chosing to be stubborn.

"What can I do to help?" He asked me sounding alot like ijekiel minus the slightly sarcastic and scheming background.

'Does Lucas always turn into ijekiel st moments that he's trying to be romantic?' I thought to myself thinking about the time on the boat that he has set up.

I didn't reply him since I didn't have an answer and all I wanted to do was to die on the spot from stress.

"Want me to get lily?" He suggested acting so out of character that I would've thought he was ijekiel.

"No, Saeon is with lily right now." I told him.

"Lily isn't hers." Lucas said about to teleport.

"Lucas, if you teleport and bring lily here to comfort me your only going to pile up on my reasons to be stressed." I warned him seeing him sigh and deciding to not teleport.

"Let's go out for awhile." He suggested not giving me a chance to reply before be snapped his fingers and teleported the two of us in the market.

"Lucas... I still have paper work..." I groaned our noticing him chance his clothes into a lose fitting white T shirt that was half tucked into his black sailor pants and the long sleeves that made it so that the shirt only hanged onto his wrist.

"There's a doll in your place currently doing it for you as we speak." He told me.


"I will not hear another excuse unless you want me to reveal how you have been to your dear majesty." Lucas told me seeming slightly ticked off which he had every right to be since I've been nothing but difficult.

I held myself back from saying what I wanted to say since I knew Lucas doesn't throw empty threats.

"Any clothing preference?" Lucas asked me to my surprise.


"Actually why am I even asking, of course your clothing choice would be whatever Lucas chose since I am the best at everything." Lucas said cutting me off as he snapped his fingers.

I was in a off shoulder white angel sleeved top with a brown corset around my hips and a dress that went to my ankles with no pattern other then the two parts which came down from the brown corset.

In my hair was a simple white clip that had one tiny ruby gem on it that pined my hair out of my face.

I grabbed his long hair tugging it towards me so he was at my head and knocked him on the head.

"Ow! What's wrong with you women!" Lucas whined rubbing his head.

"You and your egoistic ways!" I shouted at him.

To my surprise as he had his head down and rubbed it he was actually smiling.

Is he a masochist....?

"Whatever, now let's go. We don't have the whole day before someone finds out their princess has escaped." Lucas told me lifting up his head and whipping of his smile as he walked Infront and I followed.

Every single thing I was thinking of vanished as the smell of food hit my nose.

"Lucas! Look! They have sausages!" I said grabbing Lucas wrist not giving two thoughts about it and dragging him.

One place after another it was never ending.

"Hm..." I said munching on one of the many food that I held in my hand.

"Athanasia!" I heard someone call me.

I saw Lucas move faster then he ever had right Infront of me Incase it was danger.

I looked at the women who had a brown cloak on and wore commoner clothing.

She removed the cloak of her head and smiled, her emerald green eyes plus brunette hair revealed exactly who she was.

Was she here the whole time!?!

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