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I'm pretty sure I have an old chapter but it needs to be updates!

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I'm pretty sure I have an old chapter but it needs to be updates!


Recently you two have been playing minecraft, he has his own server and you two build a lot of fun little stuff.


The two of us. Sobbing, just— just sobbing


You two take turns playing Brutal Legends, haha funny swearing.


You two don't really play a lot of games due to work, but he likes watching you play Concrete Genie and you like watching him play Fallout 4.


There isn't a lot of three players games you all play but you do like to play Super Mario Bros on the wii! (Your's surprisingly held up) Pau is the blue Toad, Pat is Mario, and you always go for Luigi!

Early and not the last post I'm about to post chapter two of The Thorns That Stay!

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