Patryk and Paul catch up.

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I'm a sucker for polyamory relationships QwQ
𒊹︎ᴥ︎𒊹︎ ✈︎☁︎︎Don't come at me

How you three met-
You met in second grade, surprisingly. You were playing with a stray kitten near the trees. You were waving a leaf in front of it as it batted at it. That was until a group of girls came up to you.

"Why are you playing with a stray?" The leader asked, clearly wanting something.

"B-because, i kitte-kittens?" You stuttered, you have a stuttering problem, it's something to do with fear.

"Talk right! My mommy says that if people can't talk right, they shouldn't be here!" The leader said, clearly angry.

"U-um, s-sorry, I'm n-new-"

"I SAID TALK RIGHT" she yelled at you.

you jumped and fell back, clearly starting to cry. "i-I'm s-sorry!" You yelp, shaking as the kitten jumps onto your lap.

"Oh please! You have a tiny baby kitten protecting you?! How pathetic!" She laughed, pointing at you.

"Hey! Leave her alone!" A voice yells, you look past the girls as they turn around, theres two boys running up to your and the girls.

"What will you-" the group got hit by some mud and rocks, it was hilarious.

The group of girls fled, running away to the swings. As the boys walk up to you, you sat up and hugged the kitten.

"My names Paul, and this is Patryk, are you okay?" The boy named 'Paul' says.

"Y-yeah! Thank y-you!" You reply, smiling brightly. "I'm (y/n)"

"Nice to meet you, (Y/n)," the other boy named 'Patryk' says. "Wanna be our friend?"

"S-sure!" You happily accept.

"Whats the kittens name?" Paul asks, pointing at the black and red kitten in your arms.

"T-this is.....m-missy!" You say, the kitten snuggles up to your chest, "i-i hope my m-mom will l-let me h-have her"

And like that, you, Paul, and Patryk became close friends.

(A new thing, because Paul and Patryk left for the red army, so yeah)

You three meet again-

You had adopted Missy, she was an old cat now, but you had a second cat, her kitten. His named is Red, after his reddish brown hair. You also have a German Shepard named Willow, she has a brain injury, causing her to not know her left and right, and sometimes causes her to have seizers.

It was a late night, around ten at night. You were standing on the front porch as Willow walked around the yard. You were holding your old baby girl, Missy, while Red sat on the porch, watching Willow closely.

A few cars pass by, headlights shining on the small house you call home. You smiled, it was nice having three pets who aren't chaotic, and a nice small home. Well, not really small, a two-bedroom house, a living room, dining room, kitchen, and two bathrooms. But to you, it was small and just enough.

Willow came up to you and sat down, wagging her tail and panting. You were about to go back in when a car pulled up. You were...skeptical, your house was hidden off of the street. Two men step out, Willow, being protective, started barking, while Red jumped down and walked inside. You were still holding Missy while you walked down the steps to the two men. There's a man with bushy eyebrows, and some bandages over his left eye. And a tall man with a awkward hair cut.

"Hello, m-may i help you two?" You ask, smiling.

"Ah, sorry to bother you, ma'am, but do you know a (Y/n) (L/n)?" The man with bushy eyebrows asks.

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