How you two met

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(Also, sorry about this first part, it's almost 3 on a school night and I'm writing this)

Damn wrote this a while ago, I was still friends with a toxic person (ง'̀-'́)ง


You met in kindergarten, you were new and shy, not to mention, you always had burn scars from helping your mom cook. So you were bullied...A lot

So here you sit next to the swings, as other kids play and scream around you. You were to busy drawing in the dirt with a stick to notice a young boy walking up to you.

"Hi! My names Edd, what's yours?" The little boy with brown hair, and a green shirt, says, smiling as he held his hand out to you.

You jumped in surprise, looking up at him with fear "p-please don't hurt me!" You quietly Yelp, putting your hands up.

"Hurt you? I'm not like Eduardo. He's mean," the boy named 'Edd' says, puffing his cheeks as he crossed his arms, looking over at the group. "And I just wanna be your friend, you seem really cool! You have scars like a super hero!"

"S-Super hero? O-oh! These are from cooking!" You smile, standing up. "I'm (y/n)!"

"Neat! Your names so cool!" He giggles, jumping up and down for a moment. Then he looks at you with a bright face.

"Wanna go meet my friends? I think they will like you, (y/n)!" He says, pointing to a sand box with three other boys in it.

"Sure...! You're really nice Edd!" You smile, walking with him to the sand pit, and everyone was so nice! You got to play with them, even after recess.


You met in high school. you weren't new, but you were really quite. You met in detention. yeah, you, the quite student got into a fight. Tom on the other hand was skipping class.

"Okay I'm stepping out, (Y/n), no fighting" the teacher, Mrs.Temkin says, opening the door.

You roll your eyes, "I can't, the other kid was asking for it" you quietly mumble.

"You got into a fight?" A voice from the other side of the room asks.

You look over to see a boy with spiky hair and black 'eyes' sitting next to the window.

"This kid was picking on a guy, so I stepped in" you say, waving your hand.

"Hm, my names Tom, By the way," the boy says, getting up and walking over to you. "Are you new?"

"No, just normally quite," You sigh, looking up at him. "I'm (Y/n)"

"Nice to meet you, (Y/n)" Tom chuckles, sitting down in the chair next to you.

"I'm back you brats-" the teacher was cut off as the bell rung.

"See you tomorrow, Tom" you say, getting up and walking to the door. He waved at you as you walked out the door.


You were in a mirror shop, and of course Matt was there. You had broken a mirror in your bathroom by accident and needed a new one. As you were looking threw them, looking for the size, you heard a few voices from the other aisle.

"Edd, we need a big mirror! I need a big mirror!" A voice says, whining.

"Matt, the last thing that we need is more of your ego." Another voice says, Clearly annoyed.

"Tom, don't be so rude, we all have our problems" A third voice says, sounding calm but on the verge of laughter.

"My beautiful self does not need this negativity!" The first voice yells, Then footsteps were heard.

You thought nothing over it, as it wasn't your problem anyways. You just kept looking threw the mirrors, looking for the size.

"36 By 12...36 by 13..." you mumble to yourself, looking threw the mirrors. "37 by 18-"

"Ah!" A voice yells as you both stumble into each other. You frantically get up and put your hand out.

"I'm so sorry! I wasn't watching!" You yelp, looking down at the man you hit, he was a ginger with a purple hoodie on, with a green over coat?

"It's, uhm...okay," he says, taking your hand, he looked flustered. "You are?"

"Ah, my names (Y/n), sorry about bumping into you" you smile, looking at him.

"I'm Matt..." he quietly says, looking away. "Uhm, sorry, I should get back with my friends"

"Oh, okay, nice to meet you Matt," you say waving as he walked away. "Now...Aha! 38 by 16!"


You are the Blue leaders sister...ew. You and your brother were in a business meeting...with the red leader, it wasn't to eventful, until you and your brother got into a fight, A physical one at that. And it started right outside the base.

"YOU SHOULD HAVE RAN THE BUSINESS, NOT ME" your brother screams, slowly walking up to you.

You stood your ground, glaring at him, "as father are the alpha sibling" you growl, you wanted to rule the blue army, But heaven forbid your father was livid when he heard your wise.

"father was right you are weak," you brother hisses. He slapped you, and you fell to the ground. "And you are just like mother"

Everything went black. When you woke up, you were in front of your brothers near dead body, with many red soldiers aiming at you.

"Never compare me to that abusive bitch" you hiss, looking down at him as he closed his eyes.

"Wait- DON'T" a voice screams, then a gunshot ran out.

A pain in your side alerted you that you have been shot, you turn around to face everyone.

"What a show," a voice calls out from behind the soldiers, "(Y/n) was it?"

"Yes," you hiss holding your side. "Your the red leader, Correct?"

"Great memory" he chuckles, walking out from behind the soldiers.

"Okay, thanks? We just left," you say, looking at your brother. "Comparing me to our mother was low, even for dirt"

"How would you like to join?" He chuckles darkly, Holding his hand out to you.


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