Back in buisness

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Afternoon y'all, okay woo hi i'm starting work again, I'm sure some of you have seen the update on TTTS, so yeah i'm getting back into writing.

This book will be back on normal schedule, every Friday once a week pardon holidays and or days I am busy.

I'm a sophomore in high-school, i'm in Chemistry and Drama (theater) and I'm also in two after school things, Key Club, and Film Society (think of slenderman series on YouTube, that's what we are doing, recording stupid lil videos for fun)

But I still have open days, FS is only on Wednesdays, and KC is— funky, it depends on the day. That being said however, we have a new policy in school. No phones during class.

I only have three classes where I can use my phone, Chemistry, Drama (Mon-Wen-Fri) and Biology. The rest of my classes are very strict. So I will be a little late to posting starting next week, and may have to move the days to late in the day Saturdays instead of Friday's. (Im also in DND and we have it every Friday starting October.)

So yeah, I will update y'all if anything changes for now, but the set date is September 23rd/24th, Friday/Saturday.

I still have everyone's requests, so I will be filtering those out throughout the updates. Thank you all for being so patient with me, I'm getting better. See you all soon.


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