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Location in a far away in the endless void known as space was a large space station. This was no ordinary space station this was a prison that held some of the most dangerous criminals in the universe as well as some lesser criminals awaiting trail by the council. While the prison is usually very organised and well maintained it was currently in ruins as over seventy percent of the inmates had escaped killing guards and staff along their way. While the seventy percent left the remaining inmates had taken over the prison completely and even locked up the ramaining surviving guards and staff.

"hey look at what I found" said one of the inmates as he had located the weaponry storage room.

As a group of inmates were trying to break in to the room little did they know that there was someone standing right behind him.

"you have three seconds to return to your cell or else" said the voice.

As the group turned around their eyes widen as standing infront of them was Y/n...The Prison Warden.

Before they could scream Y/n grabbed one of them and smashed his face against the door causing the other to run

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Before they could scream Y/n grabbed one of them and smashed his face against the door causing the other to run. As they did Y/n took out his bow and shoot three of them in the legs causing them to scream in pain which alerted the other inmates.

No more than an hours pasted by and Y/n had captured all the inmates. While so gave up willingly some had a more...hands on persuasion. As he locked up all the inmates he headed to were the guards and staff were being held prisoners. As he arrived he kicked down the door as saw a handful of the staff members still alive.

"what happened here" Y/n asked.

"Warden, thank god your here things have gotten out of hand. Inmates have escaped and even taken over the prison" said a staff member.

"I've already placed the prisoners back in their cells, as for the ones who escaped I will personally hunt them down and drag them back by force if I have to" Y/n said surprising the staff members.

"you already delt with the inmates...I understand why the council placed you in charge" said a nurse.

Y/n left and headed to the docking area where I his ship was located. As he got there his A.I known as Vega greeted him.

"welcome back Warden" Vega said.

"yes, Vega I need you to locate the inmates that fled the prison. Try to look for a bigger ship as I know only a hand full of the know how to fly the ships" Y/n said.

"at once" Vega said as Y/n made his way to the cockpit of his ship.

"Warden, it would see that the ship the inmates took as flow to sector four zero three two green, on planet eight seven seven the inhabitants call it planet earth" Vega said.

" long will it take to arrive there" Y/n asked.

"at warp speed it will take three point four three hours" Vega replied.

"that far away....set a course for planet earth, in the mean time find out what you can about this planet I need all the information I can get" Y/n said as he felt his ship begin to move before suddenly taking off.

"now Vega about this planet Earth" Y/n said.

"yes the planet is approximately over four points five billion years old, it is the third planet from the solar systems star and is seventy one percent water" Vega said.

"intresting, what about the population" Y/n asked.

"earths main inhabitants its human with seven point eight million inhabitanting the planet. But it appears that other races such as demon, devil's, Angels and other mythical race live there as well" Vega said.

"tell me what's the difference between Demon's and Devil, I always believed they were the same race" Y/n asked.

"it is believed that demon are a more stronger and violent race than the devils, both devils and demon tend to follow separate rules and followers but overall they tend to blend in with humans much like the other race living amongst humans" Vega said.

"can you give me more details on the planet" Y/n said.

"certainly, the force of gravity of planet earth is nine point eight zero meter per second squared. The average temperature of planet earth is fifty seven degrees fahrenheit, its believed that the earth rotates around the sun at sixty seven thousand miles er hours. It is also the only planet capable of recycling itself" Vega said.

"intresting...tell me Vega what's the technology level of this planet" Y/n asked.

"according to official documents the planet Earth has been designated as a level five planet, the humans are part of hundreds of factions occupying different landmasses on the planet and have advanced forms of technology but have only gone so far as the nearby celestial body to which the humans refer to as the moon" Vega said.

"Vega can you run a check of the storage as well as the mechs" Y/n asked.

"of course" Vega said before going quiet, after a few moments later Vega spoke up again.

"all weaponry is accounted for, ammunition is a max capacity and all mechs are fully operational and ready to deploy at any moment" Vega said. As he did the ship suddenly came to a hold and Y/n was currently looking at a beautiful planet.

"we have arrived at planet earth Warden" Vega said.

"Vega activite cloacking and disabled any signels that try to locate the ship

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"Vega activite cloacking and disabled any signels that try to locate the ship. Also I need you to hack into the planets technology make it untraceable and collect all the data you can" Y/n said as he left the cockpit.

"right away Warden" Vega said. As Y/n made his way to the teleporter he stepped in as was instantly on the planet.

" find those run aways" Y/n said as he activated his cloaking and walked off heading for the nearest town...

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