Chapter 3

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Y/n could be seen checking his ammo and making sure his weapons were ready to be used at a moments notice, after hearing the announcement that Hero Academy wants to meet with him. As he did some last minute checks he began to leave he told Mew to keep the others on the ship incase things turned south and finally made his way to Hero Academy.

After sanding on a teleporter Y/n was immediately in front of Hero Academy. As he looked at the large building he immediately realised that all the students had stopped what their doing and looked at him.

"Warden the headmasters are on their way to your current location" said Vega.

As Y/n stood there with his arms folded. As he did students took out their scrolls and either took photos or a video of him. But as everyone watched him a sudden growl got everyone's attention as a strange looking dog with wings landed beside Y/n.

 But as everyone watched him a sudden growl got everyone's attention as a strange looking dog with wings landed beside Y/n

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Everyone looked shocked and Surprised at its sudden appearance.

"Absol...I take it you were sent here by Dawn" Y/n said and Absol nodded before sitting beside him. Just as Absol sat down the headmasters made their way towards Y/n.

"hello Mr Warden its finally good to be meeting with you" said Nezu.

"why don't we cut the small talk and get to why I'm here" Y/n said.

"very well both Atlas and The Hero's Association wish for you to be arrested, but we however believe that you can become an excellent hero so as we said before we wish for you join us" Ozpin said.

Y/n thought about it for a moment, if he joins them then he could potentially get his job done without any interruptions but also he could learn more about the world that wasn't on the data network.

"very well then Ozpin, but I do have a few conditions" Y/n said.

"of course but in order for you to join us we need to know your real name in order to have an I.D made" said Nezu.

Y/n thought for a moment before removing his helmet, as he did everyone was surprised to see...He looked so young.

"Y/n...Thats my real name" said Y/n.

"Y/n...I see for someone so skilled in combat you seem rather young" said Sirzechs.

"this coming for the man who's over a hundred and looks like he's twenty" said Y/n making Sirzechs chuckle.

"so tell us Y/n what are these conditions" asked Tenmei.

"first of all I don't wear your uniform, I prefer to be in my armour at all times" Y/n said.

"that's reasonable" said Ozpin.

"second no one gets my technology and no one gets to use my weaponry either" Y/n said.

"we were hoping to have a look at your technical but we will respect your wish" said Nezu.

"third I keep my weapons on me at all times" Y/n said.

"I suppose that's ok as long as long as no other student gets hurt" Sirzechs said.

"they won't if they don't give a reason to" Y/n replied getting a nod from Sirzechs.

"and finally my job takes priority over this, so I get to leave class whenever I want" Y/n said.

"I suppose that's also acceptable giving the reason you're here" said Tenmei.

"but just so your aware, you will have a dorm room and will also be placed in a team while you attend here" said Nezu.

"no, I already have a home....and team" Y/n said.

"I see so where is this home and team" asked Ozpin.

"the team consists of five for the home part" Y/n said this before pointing up, as everyone looked they saw nothing.

"so what exactly are we looking at" asked a confused Deku.

"Vega deactivate cloaking" said Y/n as he did everyone's eyes wide as a large ship suddenly appeared in the sky.

"HE HAS A SHIP" yelled the students in shock

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"HE HAS A SHIP" yelled the students in shock.

"that's so cool" said Ruby.

"Look at the size of it" said Tsukune.

As the students were staring at the ship Y/n turned to the headmasters.

"now then I'll be on my way, I'll be here first thing tomorrow. Oh and tell atlas it would be unwise to attack the ship, it has more than enough to flatten Atlas as well as the whole planet" Y/n said. As both Y/n and Absol were teleported back to the ship Y/n was met with an upset Leaf.

"so it was you that sent Absol"Y/n said as Absol returned to its Pokeball.

" yeah it was why didn't you tell us about this we could have gone with you" Leaf said.

"Listen my job isn't for fun and games, I can't drop everything if your in trouble" Y/n said as he walked passed, but as he did Leaf hugged him from behind.

"and we're not children anymore, we've waited eleven years to see you again and we've grown stronger. Please just let us help you while your dealing with the criminals" Leaf said.

Y/n sighed and agreed making her happy, as she let go as she ran past him she kissed his cheek before running away. Y/n watched her run and sigh.

"so I'm guessing your here for something...Senko" Y/n said as he saw Senko smiling at him.

"it can't be helped now that their older they have needs

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"it can't be helped now that their older they have needs...such as a partner and lover" Senko said.

"yeah I'm not the one to pick for that" Y/n replied.

"oh I've seen this all before, friends reunion after a long time apart and now their older they kept growing closer and closer until they eventually realised they were met for each other....Its just a matter of time Warden" Senko said walking away giggling to herself.

"man I hate her" Said Y/n.

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