Chapter 25

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The next few days Y/n was dealing with Sirzechs trying to stop the fight between Y/n and Issei only to constantly fail, word spread like wildfire as everyone was talking about it. After hearing about what Y/n said about Galatic law and being executed if they intefere in this they stayed as far from Rias and her peerage as possible. Devils, Angel's, Fallen hell even Hero's there wasn't a single person willing to help them since helping them would annoy the Warden and annoying him is a death him.

"Can't you help us Headmasters" pleaded Rias as she and her peerage were currently in the headmasters office.

"I'm sorry Rias but we are not willing to endanger the lifes of other students" said Nezu.

Just then Sirzechs walked in and everyone turned to him, as Rias looked at him he simply shoke his head making her panick.

"it seems Y/n is dead set on what he said he'll do" Sirzechs said.

"I warned you not to do this but you still didn't listen to me" Ddraig said both a disappointed tone of voice a as no one listened to him and also smug tone as he was right.

"can't you make a rule that let's others aid Issei" asked Akeno.

"No I'm afraid not, but even if I did I doubt it would help much as he simultaneously defeat four true dragons. A single one of them could destroy the entire academy and to take out four at once speaks volumes of his power" said Tenmei.

"you can't expect this not to happen, you asked him not to fight Issei and he agreed. Then you throw his kindness back at him and think he won't be annoyed at you" said Ozpin.

As this was going on Y/n was  getting ready to send Wendy home when suddenly an emergency alarm went off.

"Vega what's going on" asked Y/n. As he did a screen appeared of the boy that Kotori and the others are now with.

"what have those idiots done!" Y/n yelled I'm anger as he watched the boy using spirit powers while going on a rampage. Y/n over come with rage immediately began leaving and soon Senko saw him go past her.

"Y/n what are you going to do" Senko asked slightly worried as she has never seen him this enraged before.

"something I should of done a while ago" Y/n replied before leaving.

As Shido a young man that was currently under the effects of Spirit power rampage through a city destroying everything in sight. As both Ratatoskr and the organisation known as DEM tired to stop Shido they soon had no choice but to fire God's sleep which would kill Shido....But just before the fired something had smashed Shido into the ground at incredible speeds causing a massive after shock which had thrown cars and even trees backwards.

"what the, was that the Gods sleep" asked Kyouhei.

As everyone looked at where Shido was thrown to their eyes widen as they saw Y/n standing over an unconscious Shido. As everyone went silent Y/n spoke up.

"Shido Itsuka.....You're under arrest for attempted Genocide" Y/n said shocking everyone around them.


Back on the ship Shido was now sitting in a cell waiting to be tried by the Elder Council. As he did Y/n was sitting at the controls again while chatting with the Grand Priest about what to do.

"I see so the boy had almost committed a large scale genocide" said the Grand Priest.

"yes, from what I could gather a similar event took place which took over one hundred and fifty million lives and from the power Shido was releasing I believe it would of been worse" Y/n said.

"I see, we will hold a trial and decide a fitting punishment for him, as for those spirits that had given him their power they are to be stripped of their power and placed under surveillance as of immediately" said Grand Priest.

"I'll get it done" Y/n replied.

After hanging up the call Y/n let out a sigh in frustration. Out of the number of things he has done giving them powers was by far the worst idea he has ever had.

"Vega put me through to Ratatoskr" Y/n said, soon he heard the screen open as when he looked up he saw Kotori along with a few of the other spirits.

"Y/n where's Shido, why did you arrest him" asked Kotori only to get an unhappy look from Y/n.

"I've done a lot of things in my life, but I can honestly say that without a doubt giving you all that power was one of the biggest mistakes of my entire life" Y/n said. As he did the spirits looked down ashamed of what had happened.

"Not only did you put the life of that boy in danger, but also the millions of people he would of killed had I not stepped in and then your had the balls to try and kill the boy you gave you're power to" Y/n said as the spirits didn't say a word to him.

"Well I just got off a call with the council, they will be holding a trial to decide Shido's punishment as for you lot...You're being strip of your powers and are now under surveillance from me" Y/n said.

"what by why" Kotori said before getting interrupted by Y/n.

"just don't.....No matter what you say this choice has already been made. Until the decision on what to do with Shido is finalised you are not to try an contact him or myself you also have twenty four hours to destroy that weapon you call gods sleep or I will" Y/n said but before they could respond he hung up the call.

"why do these idiots keep causing me trouble" Y/n said as he sat in silence, as he did Senko was was standing that the door suddenly got an idea and gained a smirk.

"I have the perfect plan" Senko said before walking away.

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