Chapter 21

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As The Grand Priest took his seat the meeting had begun. After introducing themselves The Grand Priest once again spoke up.

"now that the introductions are put of the way we can get to business. While I've been made aware of the situation between Y/n, Rimuru, Guy and Ramiris I'm still quite confused as to why the rest of you wish to make this alliance" The Grand Priest said.

"because you're Warden has caused is some trouble ever since he got here" said the representative of Hero Association.

"I would have to agree, he has cause hundreds in property damages and yet no one holds him accountable" said Ironwood.

"you want to talk about taking accountable....Then let's talk then" Y/n said as he showed everyone a screen which showed Atlas solider, robots and other technology destroying homes and streets. Meanwhile on the other screens Hero's Association employees were seen destroying cities to look strong and powerful.

"that looks like your man James and those Hero's are employed by you Hero's Association....Within a few weeks I cleared up over eighty percent of all crime in Vale and I only did over one thousand worth of damages, I've seen records stating that a single criminal that you both tried catching ended up with you cause over three point seven million worth of damages. You don't cate about damages to the streets or people you're just pissed I do you're job better than you do" Y/n said, while most of them laughed and Giggle Atlas and Hero's Association got annoyed at this.

"if everyone has settled down we can get to why we're here, I have been informed by Y/n and understand his reasoning for agreeing to sign an alliance with the forest of Jura. But I'm confused as to why you all wish to be involved as well" Grand Priest said.

As the meeting official began Y/n was standing behind the council leaning on the wall. As he looked on suddenly got a strange feeling that he was being watched by someone, as he instructed Vega to scan the nearby area Vega picked up on a strange energy signal coming from the roof.

After excusing himself from the meeting Y/n made his way up the stairs and walked through the door that lead to the rooftop. As he closed the door behind him at first it seemed no one was there the rooftop was empty.

"why don't you stop hiding and get out here....Nightmare" Y/n said. As he did a portal opened and a strange girl walked through.

 As he did a portal opened and a strange girl walked through

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"so you're the one they call Nightmare" Y/n said. As he did the girl didn't saw a word instead she just grow a smirk at him.

 As he did the girl didn't saw a word instead she just grow a smirk at him

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"I heard you're powerful....So I'll be taking that power for myself" she said. As she did time itself stopped for everyone making her smile.

"seems those idiots were wrong around you" said Nightmare as she used her powers to stop time and approach Y/n.

As she stood in front of him she smirked, As she pointed her gun at Y/n's head she pulled the trigger. As the bullet left the chamber Nightmares eyes widen as Y/n disappeared from her sight he appeared behind her.

"you missed" he said....


Back at the meeting what felt like minutes had past since Y/n left The Grand Priest was going over some details of the alliance when the doors opened and Y/n walked back in.

"Y/n did you deal with you're business" asked The Grand Priest.

"yes its been taking care of" Y/n said, as he walked in most people were shocked to see that Nightmare. One of the strong spirits and the most dangerous one walk in behind him.

 One of the strong spirits and the most dangerous one walk in behind him

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"what is she doing here" yelled Kotori. As both she and the group she was with got into a fighting stance.

"Kurumi works for me now, she knows what will happen if she uses her powers without my say so" Y/n said as Kotori stood in front of him angry.

"have you any idea how dangerous she is, I would highly recommend sealing her powers before she decides to use them against you" Kotori said.

"her time manipulate won't work on me no matter how hard she tries, and beside she knows what would happen even if she tried to use them on me" Y/n said.

"and what would happen if she did, how do we know she won't go nuts and kill everyone" said Kotori.

As Y/n looked at the Grand Priest he simply sighed before snapping his fingers and a strange marking appeared on everyone in the room minus the council, Y/n and the true dragons.

"hey what's this for" asked Ruby who along with the others looked at the marking that appeared.

"that would be a sort of curse I placed on most of you

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"that would be a sort of curse I placed on most of you. It has no immediate effects but if you tell anyone what you're about to here or see the curse will kill you instantly" Y/n said getting everyone's attention.

"what the, hy would you curse us for omething you're about to show us" asked Saji as others agreed. As the did Y/n turned back to Kotori and looked at her.

"you ask my why I know her powers won't work on me....its because I was the one who created the spirits in the first place" Y/n said surprising most of them.

"what what's that supposed to mean" said Issei.

"since you've still not peiced it together let me help you. While most of you know me as Y/n the older members in this room will know my other names. The ten tailed Kitsune, the first Kitsune and a more common name is The Kitsune of Creation" Y/n said as his ten large tails appeared as the ones who didn't know went wide eyes and Yasaka along with the other members of the Youkai faction immediately bowed to him.

"Lord Kitsune" said Yasaka....

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