Chapter 26

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The next day Y/n along with Senko and Wendy were currently standing outside of the Fairy Tail guild hall.

The next day Y/n along with Senko and Wendy were currently standing outside of the Fairy Tail guild hall

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"remind me why we're doing this again" asked Y/n as he was simply told to join Senko by the council.

"oh come on Y/n it will be fun, I'm sure the others can handle everything just fine without you being there" Senko said as she grabbed Wendy before making her way towards the guild making Y/n sigh. As they entered the guild Y/n's instincts kicked in and he immediately shifted to the right as a chair flow past him.

After looking at the direction it flow from Y/n saw the whole guild in the middle of a brawl as members were fighting and items such as chairs, tables and even people were thrown all over the place.

"see Y/n doesn't this look fun" Senko said.

"fun, their currently beating the crap out of each other" Y/n replied stating the obvious.

"yeah that happens alot with this guild" said Wendy.

As they watched the Mayhem unfold for a little longer a table was thrown at Y/n but instead of dodging it the table smashed against him shattering into small pieces. That was the final straw for Y/n as he then took out his shotgun and clocked it before firing.

After firing his gun everyone turned to him, Senko and Wendy.

"nice of you to all noticed we're here" Y/n said right before the guild members immediately began running towards Wendy.

"Wendy!!!" the members said as they all checked on her. As they did Y/n and Senko were approached by Makarov and Mavis who believed they couldn't see her.

"Warden I should thank you again for saving young Wendy's life" Makarov said.

"now if you'll excuse me I need to be going" Y/n said as he was leaving. But as he did Senko grabbed onto him making him stop.

"oh come on Y/n give it a try" Senko said as she held onto him.

"you do realise that you're not stopping me right" Y/n said as he effortlessly began walking again. As she tried her hardest to stop Y/n from leaving it was clear she wasn't strong enough.

"Wendy help me" Senko said as Wendy then grabbed on as well which didn't slow him down either.

After a few minutes the civilians of Magnolia watched confused as to why the Warden was currently walking through town with the entire fairy tail guild pulling on a rope that was tied to him.

"how can one person be this strong" said Levy as she along with the others struggled to stop Y/n moving. As he keyed moving Y/n was going to cut the rope when suddenly his arm was wrapped in some kind of tube.

"hey Erza it's been a while" said a strange looking cat girl...

"and you are" Y/n asked as she was the one holding the tube that was currently wrapped around his arm

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"and you are" Y/n asked as she was the one holding the tube that was currently wrapped around his arm.

"Milianna what are you here for" said Erza confused.

"oh I came to visit you along with the others but their doing some shopping.  So why are we tieing this guy up for exactly" asked Milianna.

But before she could answer Y/n grabbed a hold of the tube and began pulling Milianna closer to him, as he did she tried to pull away but failed and soon found herself face to face with Y/n.

" hi I'm Milianna" said Milianna both scared and confused as to who he was.

"I'll give you to the count of three to let me go before I lose what little reason I have left" said Y/n.

But just before anyone could do anything a voice spoke up making Y/n sigh in frustration.

"and of course you're here....what do you want now Grand Priest" Y/n said as he looked to see the Grand Priest standing there.

"Y/n I need you to breath for a moment, the reason I sent you here is because when you're hibernation comes around it's best for you're crew mates to gain knowledge and experience so that when you're gone they can do you're job without you there" Grand Priest said as Y/n looked at them.

"and sending me to the guild is because" Y/n asked getting impatient.

"I can't explain yet but I assure you that I only wish to help you. So please if you would just give it a try and to ensure that you don't interfere with the training I've instructed Vega to denie assess to you're ship for the mean time. Trust me Y/n it will greatly improve you're crewmates work effort greatly" said Grand Priest

A few days have pasted and while Y/had gotten use to being apart of Fairy Tail he was still annoyed seeing as he couldn't get on his ship and to top things off word had spread about him joining Fairy Tail, so special requests for him kept coming through for him and today was no different as once Y/n saw down Makarov made his way to him.

"Y/n we have another bunch of special requests for you" Makarov said.

"what is it this time" Y/n replied annoyed at all the requests he's been getting.

"there's three this time, One is from a Ice wolve village located just outside of the city called Lanaritta, The second one is from A clan known as the Jinshin clan and finally the third one....That can't be current" Makarov said gaining everyones attention.

"Master is something wrong" asked Erza.

"The third contract....Is from Demon Lord Milim Nava" As everyone was shocked Y/n on the other hand was annoyed at Milim and Senko once again was laughing.

"what is she doing now" Y/n thought to himself...

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