Chapter 6

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Y/n had returned to Hero Academy but as he did he immediately saw Leaf standing there.

"I'm guessing there's a reason your here" Y/n said.

"there something I've been meaning to ask you, do you remember that we have lots of pokemon right" Leaf said.

"yeah what about it" Y/n said.

"Well when you first came here we decided to explore the ship a little and we found a large empty room. We were hoping to use it to take care of our pokemon" Leaf asked.

"right so what six people are going to take care of how many, yeah that's not happening Leaf" Y/n said, as he walked passed her she grabbed his arm and kept begging him to let them use the room.

"please Y/n we can take care of them ourselves" Leaf said.

"no you can't" Y/n replied.

"what if we got some help then" Leaf said gaining Y/n's attention.

"what do you mean help" Y/n asked.

Leaf explained that if both Mew and Senko can bring people from their world to Y/n's ship then they could hell take care of both the pokemon and ship.

"oh and who do you plan on brining exactly" Y/n asked. As he did he saw Leaf chuckle nervously and sighed.

"you already planed for this didn't you" Y/n said.

"hehe, well before we left we had a group of friend willing to help us" said Leaf.

"and who are these friends" Y/n asked.

"Well there's Roxie, May, Flannary, Iris, Bea, Acerola, Marnie, Serena and a few others" said Leaf.

Y/n mentally sighed but he soon got an idea.

"ok then you want it take it, of course there's a few stipulations. First of all you'll be sharing rooms with each other, second you'll have to find a few to make money and finally I will not be responsible for looking after the pokemon if one gets out you all go back home understood" Y/n said, but even with these rules Leaf still agreed and ran off to tell the others. As she did Y/n saw that both Senko and Mew had returned from their punishment.

"learnt your lesson" Y/n said.

"yes sir" Senko said.

"good" Y/n replied right before he was called to the headmasters office, but as he got there he saw the four headmasters there along with some destroyed parts of Atlases ship.

"so why did you call me here" Y/n asked.

"did you destroy a ship belonging to Atlas" Ozpin asked.

"yeah" Y/n said. As he said this Ozpin sighed.

"Well it seems James wants you to pay for the damages" Sirzechs said.

"yeah and if I don't" Y/n said.

"we had a feeling you'd say that so we decided to make a deal...Penny come in now" Nezu said.

Y/n turned to see a small girl with orange hair and a green dress walk in.

Y/n turned to see a small girl with orange hair and a green dress walk in

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"greetings headmasters I'm ready" said Penny.

"Y/n this is penny, James has agreed to drop the charges if Penny accompanies you for a little time" said Ozpin.

"so atlas is so cowardly that they need a robot to do their jobs..." Y/n said while leaving.


After the day had ended and Y/n was heading home Penny who ad been following him all day was once again right behind him.

"where are we going now" Penny Asked.

"I'm going home, where you go is the dorm room Ozpin set up" Y/n then disappeared much to Penny surprise. But as Y/n had made it to the ship he was greated by familiar faces.

"its been a whole Y/n" said May

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"its been a whole Y/n" said May. Everyone looked confused as Y/n didn't say a single word.

"um Y/n are you ok" asked a concerned Rosa. Just then Y/n suddenly collapsed hitting the ground as he laid there the girls and their parents all panic alerting Senko and Mew who came out of the cafeteria to see what was going on.

"whats going on, we heard screaming" Senko said as she saw everyone around Y/n sighing she approached them.

"Senko it's Y/n I think he hurt" said a worried Dawn.

"no he isn't, he always passes out when he's not had enough sleep. He's been awake non stop for the past week, this isn't the first time this has happened. Help me carry him to his room" Senko said.

After everyone helped carry Y/n to his bed they were all now looking at him asleep on top of his covers.

"so what now" asked Marnie.

"Well normally I'd remove his armour and clothes then place the covers over him so let's get to work" Senko said but as she was about to begin Leaf stopped her.

"you can't do that" Leaf said embarrassed along with the others.

As Senko saw this she smirked.

"oh did you want to do it then, tell you what you take care of Y/n and ill make us lunch" Senko said before leaving the girls with Y/n.

The Next Morning

Y/n woke up and got ready as he did he then headed to the cafeteria where the others already were.

"oh morning Y/n, what's some eggs" asked Senko.

"yes please" Y/n replied.

As he sat down he immediately saw that the girls had a strange reaction on them for some reason.

"ok, what happened this time" Y/n said.

"nothing we never saw a thing last night" Iris said quickly. This only made Y/n more suspicious but he was soon interrupted when Vega told him that a message was being reserved by the Headmasters of Hero Academy.

"so the headmasters wants to see us fight" Y/n said to himself.

"who was it" Senko asked.

"Ozpin...He apparently wants to hold a entrance test for us today, it's seems you can bring your pokemon with you as well" Y/n said.

"why" asked Gloria.

"because we're going up against Grimm" Y/n said.

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