Chapter 24

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Y/n was currently looking through a medical report he had written for Wendy. As he had gone over it he looked to see that she was currently still asleep due to him giving her propofol to knock her unconscious during the surgery he had to preform.

As he sat there the door opened and Senko along with a small group of people walked in including Makarov. As the group went beside Wendy Makarov and Senko went to Y/n.

"Thank you Y/n, I don't know how to repay you" said Makarov.

"it's fine, she'll have one hell of a headache when she wakes up but she'll be fine" Y/n replied.

"we manage to gather up all the weapons and placed them back in the cache, the inmate is in a cell and the mercs are being held until Hisui can decide a fitting punishment for them" Senko said.

"no doubt the council will want a report on this, at least we got the inmate, those weapons and no one died" Y/n replied.

As the three talked Y/n could see that another small girl was currently circling him meanwhile the others were looking at her.

As the three talked Y/n could see that another small girl was currently circling him meanwhile the others were looking at her

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Y/n ignored her as she kept looking around him, as she did Makarov was trying to get her attention.

"First Master, what are you doing" Makarov said.

"First Master, what are you talking about" Y/n asked.

"Sorry I was thinking out loud" Makarov replied.

"so no one but them can see her? intresting" Y/n thought to himself.

As this went on for a few hours the group along with Makarov left but before they did Y/n over heard Mavis saying that she'll watch over Wendy.


As night came Y/n had entered the medical room once more to do a last check up of the day. As he did he noticed Mavis was one again standing beside him looking at the screen beside him. As he continued to work he eventually sighed and continued seeing as she wasn't causing trouble Y/n didn't really care to much, after completing his work Y/n was about to leave when Ravel along with Senko and a few other burst through the door.

"Y/n you have to see this" yelled Senko as she switched a tv on and it showed Rias and her peerage along with a devil called Sairaogo having an interview before their match against one another.

"Y/n you have to see this" yelled Senko as she switched a tv on and it showed Rias and her peerage along with a devil called Sairaogo having an interview before their match against one another

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"ok, so two devil families are going to what" Y/n asked. As he did he heard a reporter asked a very interesting question.

"I would like to ask both The red dragon Emperor and Sairaogo on their opinion of The Warden" Asked the reporter.

While Sairaogo complemented Y/n on his skills, strength and knowledge and claimed he would love the chance to spar with him....Meanwhile with Issei he was boasting about his own power and claimed he could beat Y/n if he wanted to and soon accidentally issued a challenge out to Y/n.

"I'm going to bed, I've had enough of this shit for one day" Y/n claimed as he headed to his room.

The Next Day

Y/n was once again checking on Wendy when he received a call from a panicked Sirzechs. After Issei issuing a challenge towards Y/n Sirzechs had received calls from just.about every devil household asking when the match will happen. After begging Y/n not to Issei Y/n agreed as it was nothing but a waste of time....But later that same day Y/n saw something that pissed him off so much he decided to teach the devils a lesson.

Wendy who had finally woken up was currently eating a meal that Y/n had given her when suddenly Wendy wanted to watch Oppai dragon claiming it was a good show. Y/n brought a tv and turned it on....but when he turned it to the Oppai dragon show he saw something that pissed him off.

Apparently in the shows episode an exact replica of Y/n's Armor was being wore by an actor playing as Y/n. Y/n watched as the supposed Oppai Dragon was currently challenging Y/n to a fight and Y/n....cowered in fear claiming the dragon was far superior to him.

"so they want to make me look like a foul...." Y/n said as he placed the control down and left the room only to bump into Senko.

"Senko watch Wendy, it seems I need to teach devils about the peaking order" Y/n said as he left not giving a chance for Senko to ask what was going on.


As the show was finalist everyone from the actors to the writers and even the technicians were currently on stage as Sirzechs spoke to the crowd Y/n had appeared behind then. While everyone in the crowd looked surprised Sirzechs and the others didn't notice Y/n behind them.

As they continued talking Y/n tapped the shoulder of the actor currently playing him. As the actor turned around his eyes widen as he was met with a very unhappy Y/n looking right at him. As the actor stumbled forward pushing everyone out of his way they all soon realized that Y/n was behind them.

"h..hey man listen, they said if I did this they would pay me so I could feed my family" the actor said scared our of his mind.

"and did they" Y/n said, As he did the guy nodded and Y/n told him to leave. Once he did he grabbed the mic from Sirzechs.

"isn't this funny, so just so that I understand what's going on here that dumbass dragon decides to call me out for a fight. Then this morning I received a call from you begging me not to fight him cause you didn't want you're sister upset. Since I felt sympathy for you I agreed not to only to then find out that you've somehow spined my words as well as put it in this train wreck of a show that I'm a coward..Well im sure everyone here, everyone in the audience and everyone watching at home will be glad to hear I officially take back what I said" Y/n said as he got face to face with a nervous Issei who had his armour on except his helmet.

"you have one week, I don't care if you train, run, hide or just say you're goodbyes...After that week is up, I'm going to hunt you down and when I find you I'm going to show everyone who's the real coward....and incase anyone gets any ideas, Under Galactic law thirty two seventy five. If anyone interferes in this they will be executed immediately" Y/n said before dropping the mic and walking away....

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