Chapter 18

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The next day Y/n was currently on his ship as he was speaking to his supplier that could deliver him materials that he needs. After placing an order with him Y/n hung up the phone but immediately realised something, these past few days had gone passed and Y/n began to notice something strange. His crew would head for Hero Academy most week days now apparently Senko was hired by Ozpin to teach a class as some students had asked to be thought by her for reasons Y/n didn't understand why or even wanted to know.

As Y/n was wondering what he could do next, but as he sat there Vega spoke up.

"Warden there appears to be an incoming call from an individual called Kotori Itsuka" Vega said gaining Y/n attention.

"Kotori Itsuka, isn't she the commander of that Ratatoskr group. What does she want from me"Y/n thought to himself.

"alright put her through" Y/n said, as he did he laid back on his chair and saw that the Commander along woth two others were there.

"alright put her through" Y/n said, as he did he laid back on his chair and saw that the Commander along woth two others were there

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"so you must be Y/n, pleasure to finally meet you" said Kotori.

"yes isn't it, but why don't we cut to the chase. Why is the Commander of Ratatoskr calling me for" Y/n said.

"at right to the point. Well it's simple really I heard from a valuable source that you're entering a peace treaty with The Jura Forest Alliance" said Kotori.

"and if I am" Y/n replied.

"it's simple, I believe it's best for both of us if we are also able to sign an agreement with you" said Kotori.

"right and would exactly would I gain from signing a peace treaty with you, I agreed to sign with The Jura Alliance because they did me a favor and I'll agreed to return it one day but as far as I'm aware I don't need or owe anything to you...Miss spirit of Flames" Y/n said both shocking and surprising the two people behind him mean while Kotori just smiled.

"seems like the rumors about you are true, the truth is that we consider you a high priority target. When the battle between you and that Riser took place our machines picked up an enormous amount of power from you making you one of the most dangerous but yet unknown entity that we've ever delt with" said Kotori.

"well I'm flattered and all but that still doesn't tell me what I'll gain from this, I have far superior technology as well as fighting experience so I doubt you have anything I'd want" Y/n replied.

"I believe an Alliance with them would be great Y/n" said a familiar voice from behind Y/n. Turning around Y/n saw the Grand Priest along with the other council members.

 Turning around Y/n saw the Grand Priest along with the other council members

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"Grand Priest, what brings you here" Y/n said confused.

"there is a very important matter we must speak about, while we had originally planned on speaking with you about this seeing as it will effect this world why don't we have a meeting with those that wish to aid" Grand Priest said.

As he did a date was set and the call was ended, turning around Y/n was surprised to see the full council. But without a word all of them bowed to Y/n making him sigh.

"you know I work for you right so why bow" Y/n said confused.

"working for us or not, it's only right we show respect to our creator" said Kusu. As she said this Y/n just got slightly annoyed but let it slide.

"so why do you want this meeting for anyway" Y/n asked.

"I hope I'm not speaking out of line but don't you believe it's time for the you know what" said Whis making Y/n sigh.

"yes I know, I know" Y/n said knowing fully what's coming up.

"on the bright side if only happens every millennium....On the down side it lasts a year" said Vados.

"gee thanks for pointing it out" Y/n said as he turned back around.

"Lord Kitsune, you can't hide your identity forever seeing as this event is coming soon" said Grand Priest.

"yeah I'm aware, my habitation isn't for a few more months so I'll be fine" Y/n said. As he did he soon got an call from Dawn who challenged him to a battle which confused him and she never did that before.


Confused as to why she called him to a pokemon challenge Y/n showed up only to see the girls waiting along with Dawn who was standing infront kf them.

"So you called me here, what do you want" Y/n asked.

"I want a battle with you Y/n, you ready" Dawn said as she smiled before throwing out her pokemon.

"go Togekiss" she said as she through out her pokemon.

"Dawn what's this really about" Y/n asked but got no answer as she just smiled

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"Dawn what's this really about" Y/n asked but got no answer as she just smiled. Sighing Y/n brought out Giratina as both Y/n and Giratina stood there as Dawn and Togekiss tried attacking they simply dodged its attacks.

"Dawn I'm not going to battle with you" Y/n said.

"you don't have to hold back anymore....We aren't children anymore" Dawn yeld both annoyed and upset.

Y/n looked at the other who had the same looked Dawn had on her face. Understanding what this was really about Y/n took a deep breath.

"I see....ok then if you all feel that way then I'll no longer treat you as a child then, Giratina....Ex-Fusion" Y/n said as a bright light suddenly covered both Y/n and Giratina.

As the group and most of Vale saw a bright light once it died down the girls all looked shocked and some even scared a little at what they saw.

As the group and most of Vale saw a bright light once it died down the girls all looked shocked and some even scared a little at what they saw

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"you want this

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"you want let us continue"

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