Chapter 8

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After making it back Y/n was called to meet with Sirzechs alone. As he got there he found Sirzechs standing alone.

"so I'm guessing you asked me here for a reason" Y/n said as Sirzechs turned to him.

"yes thank you for coming, I have a request for you that I'm more than willing to give anything for" Sirzechs said.

"and that is what exactly" Y/n asked.

"currently in the medical ward is three Devils suffering from a disease that's only effective against Devils. It's called Sleeping Disease and despite our best efforts we haven't found any way of curing the condition. So I'm asking you if you can find a cure they three households have agreed to give you anything you request as compensation" Sirzechs asked.

Sighing Y/n agreed, as he did he teleported the three Devils to the medical ward on his ship as he had better technically there.

"let's see here, Lord Sitri, Misla Bael and Ingvild Leviathan" Y/n said as he looked over the reports he got from previous tests.

"Vega scan these three, I want to know everything that's going on inside their bodies" Y/n said. As he watched the monitor he saw that part of their brain was damaged which would be the reason they wouldn't wake up.

"so this disease immediately attacks they brain preventing the person from a waking up. Then it must continue spreading from inside making in nearly undetectable for the world's technology" Y/n said. He now knows what the disease to get rid of it.

"Vega take samples and try to make a antidote to provent it from returning in the mean time I'll try to fix the already damaged part of their brain" Y/n said. As Y/n worked away what he didn't notice was the girls working on a way to make money to support themselves.


Two days had passed and both Y/n and Vega had completed their work. Vega had created a perfect Antidote the counters the disease making it both harmless and making sure it can't return. While Y/n had made medicine to heal the part of their brain that was damaged due to disease. As the three were now awake they were sitting up as Y/n and some more tests to run but as he was he got a call from Sirzechs. As he answered it he immediately saw Sirzechs along with the other Satan's, The devil council and both Sitri and Bael households.

"hello Sirzechs" Y/n said.

"yes hello, we were having a meeting and we decided to check in to see how things were coming along" Sirzechs said.

"I see and why is everyone else there to I thought your the only one that asked me to do this" Y/n said.

"yes well I informed their households and the magic council has a request from you. They would like to trade some of your technology for" Y/n cut Sirzechs off immediately.

"the answers no, your world isn't ready for my type of technology. Once you all figure out your differences and stop trying to kill each other then we can talk about swapping technologies" Y/n said.

Before the council could say anything Serafall grabbed the camera and was looking directly at Y/n.

"is my father ok" Serafall asked. She didn't care about the technology she was only concerned about her father.

"I don't know...try asking him yourself" Y/n said as her turned the monitor around everyone saw Lord Sitri, Ingvild and Misla sitting up waving at them.

As the two group chatted for a while Y/n spun the monitor back.

"I'll drop them off at the Academy tomorrow morning, I still have a few tests to run but everything seems fine" Y/n said.

"that's fine and thank you Y/n" said Sirzechs.

"yeah, yeah don't get use to it" said Y/n as he hung up the call. As he did he went over some more test results when Lord Sitri spoke up.

"I'm quite surprised, I never thought I'd be saved by someone from space" said Lord Sitri.

"yeah well your going home tomorrow so don't get comfortable" said Y/n as he left the medical room. As he did the three talked among themselves.

"you know he would make a great husband for Sona, smart, powerful and clearly wealthy I'd say he's perfect for her" said Lord Sitri.

As he said this a certain Leviathan got jealous and Misla immediately noticed and giggled.

"I'd be careful Lord Sitri, it seem Sona may have some competition" she said and giggled while Ingvild got embarrassed.

The Next Day

The next day Y/n had dropped off Lord Sitri, Misla and Ingvild like he said he would. As their families met with them and Ingvild was talking with some of the Satan Kings.

"now that's done time to find the others" Y/n thought to himself, but as he began leaving he was stopped by Serafall.

"now that's done time to find the others" Y/n thought to himself, but as he began leaving he was stopped by Serafall

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"can I help you" Y/n asked, without warning Serafall hugged Y/n.

"thank you for saving them, if you need anything let me know" Serafall said.

"I need you to let me go" Y/n replied.

As everyone watched Sirzechs got an idea.

"Y/n who would you be interested in marrying Serafall" Sirzechs said shocking everyone and confusing Y/n.

"what" Y/n said.

"Well you did save three Devils and as the devil King I must reward you somehow and I'm sure Serafall wouldn't mind seeing as she Is also in your debt now" Sirzechs said.

As Serafall thought about it.

"actually Lord Lucifer I was hoping that Sona would be interested in marrying Y/n" Lord Sitri said.

"father we have even met" said Sona embarrassed.

"yes well you'll have plenty of time to meet each other before the wedding and besides didn't you want someone smarter then yourself. Y/n here cures a disease not even our top medical experts could and he did it within four days" said Lord Sitri.

As they continued to discuss who would marry Y/n Lady Sitri spoke up.

"I know why not you both marry him, that way everyone is happy" said Lady Sitri.

"that's...not a bad idea, what do you think Y/n" asked Lord Sitri but when they turned around Y/n was completely gone he had left when they were chatting....

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