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quick note:

hi pretties!! i wanted to quickly say that i'm (unfortunately) not in an acting career, so i don't know too much about professional acting. I might get things wrong throughout this book, even though i'll try to research as much as possible. if that happens, please remind me kindly!! that would be much appreciated xx


one rowen hendrix

「 one ♥ rowen hendrix 」

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"You're starring with... Rowen Hendrix."

The wine glass I was holding slipped out of my grasp. It shattered on the floor, the sound of breaking glass ringing in my ears like the words she'd just told me. Rowen Hendrix. Rowen Hendrix. Rowen Hendrix.

Memories flooded back. Memories of hate and vengeance, of embarrassment and shame. Because Rowen Hendrix - he was the cause of my problems, of all my troubles. He was the conflict in my life, the villain of my story. I disliked him so very much.

No, dislike is too nice of a word to describe my feelings for him. Something more like...

Hate. Yes, hate would suffice.

I hated Rowen Hendrix.

"Alaska?" my agent asked when I didn't respond.

I chewed on the inside of my cheek. "I'm not doing it."

"You have to," she pleaded.

"No, I don't. I refuse."

"Please. We can't back out now. Plus, this would be the biggest movie yet, and you know it."

"I don't care," I groaned. "I don't want to act with... him."

"C'mon, Alaska. I heard the end check would be more than you've ever made from a movie before."


She muttered a number to me over the phone, and my eyes widened.

"Seriously?" I said.

I could almost see her nod. "Yup. You can't reject this one."

But was it worth it? Was the money worth working with he-who-cannot-be-named?

"I still don't know, Lidia. It was a kind offer, but-"

"Alaska, I'm sorry, but I already made the arrangements with the director. You're starting tomorrow."

My mouth gaped open, even though she couldn't see it over the phone. "Lidia!"

"I'm sorry, please don't hate me." I could hear her wince.

I groaned loudly. "Too late."

The phone dropped from my ear and into my hand. I pressed the end-call button before she could respond, then grumbled as I stepped around the broken glass and blood-like liquid on the floor around my feet.

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