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sixteen   inevitable
tw: talk of self harm, slight mature content

「 sixteen ♥  inevitable 」tw: talk of self harm, slight mature content

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The next day, we were on set again. Rowen and I seeing each other was inevitable, but I tried my best to make our meetings as limited as possible.

Today we were filming the day after the sex scene: when both of them wake up with nothing but sheets to protect their bodies, laying next to each other and whispering quiet nothings until they both couldn't cease their smiling.

Of course, I didn't require much clothing for this. But I did need lots of make-up. Jaiden and Levi may or may not be going for a quick round 2.

I grabbed my concealer, which was nearing empty. I lathered it onto my stomach and breasts again, clenching my jaw. I hated doing this, but I had to. Even if Rowen already knew, I couldn't let anyone else see them, either.

I layered it on, let it dry, and then layered another. It looked so fucking fake, but I didn't really care.

I slid on my robe and brushed on some face makeup, which included light mascara and some chapstick. My skin was mostly clear, thanks to the expensive product I had to buy to keep it that way, so I didn't bother with anything else.

Stepping out of the changing room, I ran face first into-


"Alaska, can we talk?" Rowen immediately murmured, looking behind him to make sure no one was listening. No one was.

"Not right now-"

"Please?" He frowned down at me.

I tried to pull myself out of his grasp, but he wouldn't budge his hands. "Just let me talk."

"No thanks, Hendrix."

"Oh, so we're back to a last name basis?"

I clenched my teeth together and decided to ignore him. "I need to review my script," I lied.

"You already have it memorized, and we both know that." His hands ran down my arms and to my hands, gripping them softly in his. "Please, tell me what that was yesterday."

"It's none of your business. At all."

"Maybe so, but don't I deserve to know?"

"What makes you think you deserve anything?" I sneered.

Ouch. His expression turned pained. "I just want to know. Please, Alaska?"

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