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seventeen sweet
tw: mentions of self harm, mature content

「 seventeen ♥  sweet 」tw: mentions of self harm, mature content

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I couldn't sleep.

The image of the scars that tattered her perfect skin haunted my vision, my mind. Every time I closed my eyes, all I saw was her.

Obviously, the scars weren't from an accident. I could tell they were there on purpose. Self-inflicted.

She had cut herself.

Alaska Cassidy, world-famous actress, had cut herself.

My eyes flew open again, meeting a dark wall of my bedroom. My brows furrowed. My thoughts of her refused to cease.

She was occupying every space of my brain. And when it wasn't about the scars, it was about the reason behind them - or sometimes even the beautiful body that she had displayed out in front of me.

She was perfect, so fucking perfect. Could she not see that? Did it take someone to tell her that for her to realize? Or will she never know?

I got out of bed and slid on my grey sweatpants and a white cotton T-shirt, then trudged downstairs. I glanced at the block on the way down: 2:48am.

I sat in my kitchen, debating on whether or not to make a coffee. I knew that I wasn't going to go back to sleep, but was it worth it to wake myself up this early?

I decided against it. Bored out of my mind, I scrolled through my Instagram, reading messages from random people in my DM's.

They always made me smile, even if I couldn't respond. Every morning I would read them just to make my day.

I wondered if Alaska did the same. And if she didn't, then she should. Maybe it would help.

And then I had an idea.

I grabbed my car keys and slipped on my shoes, practically jogging to my car. I got in and turned it on, not even needing to type in her address. I already had it memorized by heart.

Ten minutes later, I was at her house. I prayed she was up, already knowing she wasn't.

I rang her doorbell, and then waited.

And waited.

I rang it again.

No answer.


Same result.

I cursed and called her cell phone, waiting for her to pick up.

On the fourth ring, right before I was about to hang up, she answered.

Her voice was tired and slow. "Hello?" she muttered.

"Let me in."


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