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two failed

It was as if we were frozen in time

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It was as if we were frozen in time.

As if Lidia weren't there. As if the dressing rooms weren't there. As if there was no set, no cameras, no papaprazi.

As if it were just us, lost in time. Lost in what could have been.

But I couldn't bear it. Couldn't bear to see his face, to feel the old wounds slowly resurfacing.

I pushed down the knots in my stomach, the tangles in my mind, and stepped around him and into the set.

And only then, when he was out of my sight, could I breathe again.

"Alaska?" Lidia murmured from beside me. I glanced at her.

"Um, sorry. Is Elian anywhere?"

Just as I said that, a loud sound rang throughout the large room. A microphone, maybe? No, a megaphone.

A megaphone. Elian used a megaphone to speak with us.

"Attention, everyone!" A few taps on the megaphone. "Could you pause whatever you're doing, just for a moment? I need to get a few things- ow!" I watched as he put the megaphone down and motioned to a short boy who was carrying a tripod much too big for him.

Elian continued on after scolding him. "I need to clear up a few things. Number one, we will not begin filming today. I will give out scripts and we will have time to practice. Next time on set, we will be prepared to begin the filming process on certain parts that we will clarify today. Is that clear, actors?"

I nodded my head, even though I was sure from that distance that he couldn't see me.

"Great. Crew, please head to the backroom. Actors, to the top of the set."

Lidia left me to go to the backroom. Though she wasn't crew, she also wasn't cast, so she figured that leaving me to be was the best solution.

I glanced around at the people filing in next to me. I recognized some faces from previous movies, along with some new ones. I nodded lightly at Kaly, and she waved back.

Elian was in front of us shortly. "Hello, everyone. I'm Elian, your director. I'm so excited to work with you on this movie."

We collectively agreed, and he continued on.

"I hope that you've all read the movie description, but if not, I'll summarize it shortly. First, we have our main character, Jaiden Winters, portrayed by our very own Alaska Cassidy!" He motioned for me to stand up next to him and I obliged, walking and smiling at the small crowd.

"And our love interest, Levi Hale, played by Rowen Hendrix!" A few more claps, and Rowen stepped forwards. As soon as he did so, I averted my eyes, suddenly finding the wall extremely interesting.

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