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eighteen coffee shops

I awoke to a chaste kiss on my shoulder

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I awoke to a chaste kiss on my shoulder. Then my neck, then right below my ear.

I let out a muffled groan and turned over to face Rowen. "Hi," I said stupidly.

"Hi," he said back, a smile lighting his pretty face.

Pretty? I asked myself.

I honestly couldn't even process what had just occurred. It all happened in a confused blur: Rowen coming over last night, admitting that he couldn't sleep - because he was thinking of me. Him telling me that he was sorry, and that all my scars were beautiful. Him then eating-

Let's stop there.

He lifted a hand and brushed away a stray strand of hair behind my ear. "What are you thinking about?" he mumbled.


His grin only grew wider.

"Did you sleep okay?" I asked, still not entirely comfortable with the fact that we were acting like we were in love.

"Perfectly. Lots of dreams,"

"Of?" I prompted.

"You should know by now that all my dreams are of you, love."

My heart did a little flip. "Yeah?"


This felt too intimate.

"Do we have to be in for filming today?" I said in attempt to change the subject.

He frowned a little when he noticed my intentions. "Uhh, yeah. Not until the afternoon though."

I turned in the bed so that I was laying in my back and my eyes were facing the ceiling. "Good."

"Do you want to do something fun before we have to go film?"

I turned to him, a small smile on my face. "Sure. What do you have in mind?"

He shrugged. "Maybe some beach shopping, or we could just go out to eat some lunch. I know a good place."

I nodded. "That sounds good. What time is it?"

I watched as he turned towards the clock on his nightstand, his eyes widening. "10:59am. Already?"

I stretched my arms and yawned. "What, do you wake up at 6am every morning to go run?" I rolled my eyes.

Then, Rowen was suddenly on top of me. "Remember what I said about those pretty eyes, love?"

Swallowing, I continued to stare at him. "Yeah," I breathed.

He kissed my lips, and my head spun. "How about you go get ready, and we can drop my house so I can change, and then we can go out for brunch?"

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