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twenty parallels

「 twenty ♥ parallels 」

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I left him.

The realization sank in my heart like a dead weight.

Why did you do it? a part of me urged. You're letting him go, again. And not even for a good reason.

But it was reason enough. Rowen and I would've never worked out. Everyone knows that two people that are famous are bound to fall apart in the end.

Even if he had a valid reason to dismiss me the other day, I didn't care anymore. We were over.

Time. Time was what I needed, but I couldn't have.

Because I was getting ready to step on set and film more scenes with him.

Before we came on set, we announced to the public that we broke up. They didn't take it well. Bad memories flooded my mind and left a bitter taste on my tongue.

I took a breath and stepped out of the changing rooms and onto set.

It was so busy that no one even noticed my presence. Today, we had to make up for the scenes that Rowen missed on the day that he was gone - which Elian made sure to scold him for.

I slipped through the crowd of crew members and to a chair, pulling out my phone. My lines were already thoroughly memorized.

I was scrolling through my Instagram DM's when Kaly came up to me. I smiled at her as she sat next to me. "Hey," she greeted.

"Hey. How's everything?"

"I actually came to ask you that." She sighed, looking elsewhere. "So, do you need to talk about it?"

"About what?" I asked, already knowing the answer.

"Rowen and you. What happened?"

I shrugged, not meeting her gaze. "We drifted."

"Because he left you at the coffee shop?"

Damn, she was good. "Not just that. It was a cumulative of everything. I realized, on that day, that we wouldn't work out. There was too much between us that wasn't figured out, and it's obvious that two actors aren't going to last long."

She nodded. "I'm sorry."

"Don't be," I said. "It was for the best."

"I assume you broke up with him, and not the other way around?"


"How'd he take it?"

"Not sure. I left the room before I could see his reaction."

She nodded slowly. "Do you think you did the right thing?"

"I'm not sure." I fiddled with my rings. "I kind of need someone to tell me that I did."

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