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twenty-three movies
tw: self-harm, knives, blood, obsessive thoughts

「 twenty-three ♥ movies 」tw: self-harm, knives, blood, obsessive thoughts

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It was like a million knives were poking into my skin, taunting.

Like the oxygen laughed at me as it watched me struggle to breathe.

Like the veins in my blood cackled and my heart mocked as it stopped my airflow.

Because Rowen Hendrix was standing right in front of me.

Everything in me screamed that I missed him and that he missed me. Everything in me yelled to go hug him until my arms were sore, until my breathing stopped.

His eyes were those silvery-blue. The ones of the clouds that are about to turn dark, but not quite. The eye of the storm. The calm before the waves hit.

He was the salvation. The last moments of happiness they could enjoy before they were swallowed by the ocean that we called life.

His eyes were on mine, scanning me from head to toe. Traveling my body for so long that I began to wonder if there was that much to even look at.


And then I quickly turned and walked straight back into the dressing room.

God, that was such a dick move, I thought immediately. But my lungs thanked me. The oxygen was slowly starting to re-flood my system.

I sank to the ground, grabbing my knees in the process.

I was being pathetic. I should just face Rowen. Talk to him. I'm sure we were both hurting, and I needed to explain what I had done.

But my anxiety was winning me over, and here I was again, hiding. Hiding like the pathetic bitch I was.

I waited until I heard his footsteps recede and until my breathing became normal. I brushed out my hair and wiped my sweaty palms on my dress.

Don't be so pathetic, is what I told myself.

When I stepped back out, I let out too large of a breath when I saw that he wasn't there. I convinced myself to walk out of the dressing room area, only to be met with hustling cast members.

I weaved my way through the crowd until I was on set. Today, we were filming one scene that Rowen and I had already practiced - when Jaiden and Levi watched a movie together.

I walked up to Elian. "When are we starting?"

"Soon," he said. "You can go ahead and get seated."

"Okay," I breathed out. I took a seat on the couch, laying back and letting my eyes close against the cushion of the couch.

And then I felt it dip beside me.

I refused to open my eyes. I refused to show any sign that I knew he was there, that I knew his eyes were caught on my body and traveling the lengths that I didn't know existed.

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