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twenty-five sunsets and memories
tw: self-harm, blood, violent thoughts, mentions of suicide

「 twenty-five ♥ sunsets and memories 」tw: self-harm, blood, violent thoughts, mentions of suicide

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I missed this.

He slid his hand into mind as we walked down the beach. My shoes dangled in my other hand.

It was sunset. The sky was in hues of pink, yellow, and orange, eventually fading back into a bluish purple. It cast iridescent glows against the waves, which lapped calmly at our feet.

"How are you?" Rowen asked me - for the millionth time that day.

I glared in his direction. "Rowen, ask me that one more time, and I'll push you into the ocean."

"I'd like to see you try, Al," he chuckled.

"Al?" I questioned, the nickname foreign on my tongue.

"I thought it was cute."

I nodded. "If you call me Al, I get to call you Ro."

"Ro and Al," he said.

"Al and Ro."

He smiled. "Ladies first, of course." A pause. "You know, there are tons of nicknames for Alaska. Al, Ally, Kay, Aska... endless possibilities."

"Ro, Row, Wen, Rowy, Weny... tons for you, too."

Our intertwined hands swung as we walked together. It was quiet for a bit as we admired the setting sun. Waves lapped at the shore and the sand was cool beneath my feet.

"I missed you, Alaska," he whispered.

My breathing slowed. Time slowed. His words reverberated through my body. I missed you, Alaska. I missed you. I missed you.

"I missed you too, Rowen," I muttered.

[ • • • ]

seven years earlier

"Look who won again," Rowen called from across the room.

My hands shook within the fists I'd clenched them into. Anger fueled my every move.

"Undeservingly," I answered to his bragging, clenching my teeth to keep from digging my nails into my skin.

His smirk only widened as he walked up close to me. His face was inches from mine. Centimeters. His breath fanned my face, but I refused to flinch. I refused to show any sign of weakness to Rowen Hendrix.

"Maybe next time," he said quietly. "Oh wait- didn't I say that last time? And the time before that?" His laughs turned wicked and my heart squeezed in my chest. My lungs constricuted because I hated losing.

I was competitive - too competitive, and that was my downfall.

"Bite your tongue," I told him. "Savor the victory while it lasts."

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