Peter Pan x Little Match Girl!Female!Reader Part Two

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You had been whisked away but not by your grandmother; she had been an illusion. But one you had gladly suffered.

There was a humid almost sticky wind that brushed against your cheek, and your eyes fluttered open. You groaned as you began to feel a pain in your back. Shifting you sat up and shrieked as the cage you were in swung. Gripping the bars, you glanced at the floor which had been layered with small sticks and ferns to cover the holes. It was a cramped square slightly long rectangle cage. Glancing around through the bars of the cage, you could see you were in a rainforest, the humid sticky air only helped further your theory. Your grandmother had only ever told you about these places, you never thought that they were real. She had read you stories, about magical places and places you could travel, places like this.

You don't know how long you hung up in the cage before it jerkily began to lower. You swallowed your shriek, grasping at the bars. The cage thudded when it hit the ground. "Well, if it isn't our newest guest." There was a young teenage boy in the shadows, he stepped out into the low moonlight. He was standing in forest green tunic and trousers, there was a thick leather belt with a tarnished gold buckle. The sleeves were rolled up above his elbows hitting the middle of his bicep, the ends of the cuffs were frayed, as was the collar. The collar of his tunic was crossed right over left, and you spotted a brighter green leaf on his left shoulder, that same shoulder had a flap of forest green fabric loose and dangling. You raised an eyebrow, "don't know if you can call me a guest, seeing as I am not here of my own free will." The young boy stepped forwards and you could see he wore leather cuffs around his wrists, his hair was sandy and swept into a typical swoop across the crown of his head. He was pale, his ears stuck out just a little and had arching eyebrows, one of which raised at your statement. "You may not be my guest, but you are mine." You shivered slightly at the tone and the glare that he gave you while leaning in. "You are here because, you have magic." He turned and began to walk away. "I don't have magic." You called to him, calmly and carefully. He half turned to face you, leaning on his back leg. He gave sardonic smirk with an eyebrow arching, "oh but you do."

It was difficult to judge the passing of the days, but there was changing light cycles. While it was almost only moonlight, there were times when it was darker which you took for night. You slept occasionally, usually after the boy left. There were times where he tried to get your magic to make an appearance. "Okay so what makes you think I have magic?" You almost snarled at him, "you think it was just hunger induced hallucinations. Those visions you made appear, the fireplace, the food, the room." You swallowed, "my grandmother?" He smiled with cruel intentions behind the look. "That was me, I needed you to choose to come to Neverland. You can only find this place if you are searching for it." He leaned back against a tree. "Who are you?" A single eyebrow was raised before he gave what you were being to think of as his sardonic smirk. He never answered you.

Slowly over the next few days, he had used the tricks he had once used to harness his own skills. With each failure, his anger seemed to grow. He didn't seem to know how to make your magic appear. Using his own to help it make an appear, but it never seemed to work. He had handed you matches, not your own ones but matches all the same, you have had lit them and nothing had happened. You had focussed One particular time, he was flying and using his magic to make you hover over the sea. "Who are you?" He never answered your question whenever you asked. He only ever smirked. He dropped you and you fell towards the water screaming. You waved your hands, trying to do something. The wind whipped passed you, ripping through your clothes. Just before hitting the water, you stopped jerkily. Mermaids began to swim up to grab at you, you shrieked and tried to jerk back. You seemed to rise up higher out of their reach. Looking up you saw the young boy grinning at you, "who are you?!" You shrieked at him; words being whipped about by the wind. "I am Peter Pan."

You knew who he was now, Peter Pan, the Lost Boy, the Pied Piper. But if Pan thought that your fear of him would help your magic make an appearance, he was sorely mistaken. You were now out of your cage; Pan hadn't found a use for you now that your magic hadn't made an appearance. Sitting by the fire, you picked at your shawl and skirts, pulling at the pilling on the fabric. Shifting on the stone you were sitting on, trying to gain a more comfortable seated position. Finding none, you moved on from picking at your shawl and skirt to cut and crave more matches. Now in Neverland you didn't need to sell them to get by, but you loved to still crave them and strike them to watch them burn. As you did you began to hum, a lullaby of your own making. One that you had hummed many times before. The fire in front of you began to sputter and flare up; you didn't notice but the lost boys did. They jumped up and away. Pan at first did not notice the fire but rather felt Felix stiffen beside him and felt the change in Neverland's magic flow through his veins. He looked up and watched as you struck a match, humming and how the flames flickered. For almost a second there was a shadow of your grandmother, the one he had made appear to bring you to Neverland. Pan's smirk appeared and once you had thrown the match into the fire, he used his magic to whisk you away.

You were suddenly standing by a tree, whose vines snaked out and wrapped themselves around you pulling you flush against its trunk. Writhing against the vines, you tried to get free. Pan leaned casually against another tree, "struggling is no use, not against this tree." You huffed and stopped, lifting your chin. "I thought you had no use for me. That you were going to throw me to the mermaids. So, they'll what exactly? Sweetly drown me." Pan moved forwards and you flinched back. He raised his hand and waved it, creating a fire. Watching the fire you took a guess at what he was aiming for. "I have no magic, remember?" He chuckled darkly, "oh but you do. Hum." You stared at him, "hum, the song you were at the fire side."

You tried humming again, the same song as requested. This time nothing happened. Pan raised his eyebrow at you. "What's missing?" You hummed the same song that you had been when the fire had flared. "I don't my matches." Pan levelled you with a look, "not just that, you need an incantation to wield your magic." With a wave of his hand, the vines fell away. stepping forwards you stuck a match and hummed focussing.

You remembered the lyrics that you had come up with one harsh winters night. Striking a match and thinking back to the fireplace that had appeared, how the warmth had gone through to your bones. You had heard all the stories of magic in the Enchanted Forest, you had always been fascinated by it. Always wishing that you had magic to make your life better, easier. You never thought that you might possess it. But the more rational part of you thought it was just your wishful thinking, now you knew better. Trying again and again, you still could not bring the magic up to surface. Pan looked at you, he moved behind you. His breath tickled the hair on the back of your neck stand up. He lowered his voice, make it darker and twisted. "Take that anger, that pain. They left you there, left you to die. The heroes weren't there. The heroes you idolised, that were supposed to save you." You took a deep breath and focussed, striking a match pushing out your hand. You began the incantation.

"Fire flash and burn,

Singe the fates design,

Give me what is owed,

Or I'll take what's mine,

Take what's mine"

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