Hank Voight x Daughter!Voight!Jordan

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Requested by hardywoman99

Ever since Jordan's brother's death, her father had gotten stricter with her eleven-year-old self, as well as colder with the world around him. Jordan trudged into her class, she slid into her seat. Her teacher, Robert walked between the rows handing back the latest math tests. "Thankfully, this is just a practice of what the exam will be. That said, I expected better of you all. The majority of you passed, today we are going to go back over what was in the test, so you all get a better understanding for the exam next week." Robert placed Jordan's test face down on her desk, as he had done with the other students. Jordan flipped it over, she had a C+. "Not your best." Robert whispered to the young girl. Jordan's eyes burned, and she bit her lower lip. She tried to regulate her breathing, with everything going on in her life she was being to struggle.

Jordan headed to her next class, arriving she sat in her usual spot for English. She pulled out her copy of Midsummer Night's Dream, she flicked through the book in front of her. Her coloured notes rushing past her, she had written notes in the book corresponding to the quote. She picked at her nails. Her English teacher, Tom, walked throughout the classroom handing essays back. "Remember, this is just the draft, the final copy is due next week. My annotations on your papers should help you receive a higher grade." Tom handed Jordan her copy, "not your best." Jordan looked at the C+ that was elegantly drawn at the top right-hand corner. She swallowed the lump in her throat and the tears that threatened to fall.

In her third class of the day, Jordan sat picking her nails. She looked over at her folder which held her two papers, she knew that they weren't her final grades and wouldn't matter much but she had never gotten lower than a B+ before. Scarlett, her history teacher, swept around the room. "Your first draft for your presentations on The Great Depression were adequate. My notes should help you raise your grades to what I expect from you all." She handed back, printed copies of the presentations with red notes all over them. Jordan looked at her grade, C+. She nibbled at her lip, looking down at her desk and the graffiti all over it.

In her fourth class, Jordan hoped would be different. But she had received her science paper back from her teacher, Mark. She had received a C+ on this paper as well. Once more it wasn't the final grade, it too was the first draft, littered with red marks and annotations. She swallowed, moving the paper into her folder. Mark noticed her upset look and gave her a soft sad smile. Jordan's last two classes were similar. Jeremy, her biology teacher gave her back the booklet she was making on the life cycle of penguins. She had received a similar mark back on this as the others.

Her final class for the day was Art with Chris. She was working on a piece of art that encapsulated her artwork for the year, it was a collage of ideas that mixed together. She knew that Chris didn't practically like giving grades for art as he believed it was subjective, but he did grade on technique. She received a C+ on this one as well. It like the others wasn't the final grade but it still stung.

Arriving at her father's work with tears in her eyes. She smiled at Trudy who opened the gate for Voight's youngest. Jordan walked up the stairs and came to a stop at the top of the stairs. Her father's office door was open, and the room was empty. Erin noticed the small girl and flipped the evidence board around so she couldn't see. She walked over the girl and threw her arm around her shoulders. Halstead smiled warmly at the girl. Adam nodded at her. Erin guided the girl to the break room. She got her a glass of water while Halstead grabbed her a bag of chips to eat. Erin got a call and left to answer it. Halstead looked over at Jordan, "your dad's just gone to talk to a suspect." Jordan scoffed; Halstead grinned. She pulled out her folder and laptop, she arranged her papers to work on. Halstead jerked his chin, "whatcha working on?" She lifted and dropped one shoulder. His lopsided grin dropped into a concerned frown. "You okay, Jordan?" Jordan bit her lip and tears welled. Halstead licked his lips, testing the words in his head. He shifted off the couch he was seated on, moving to sit beside the girl. "Let's see how I can help, ay?" Jordan nodded. "Okay, these aren't your final grade, are they?" Jordan shook her head. Halstead grinned. "Good then, these notes can help." Halstead stayed with Jordan and began to help her with her work and soon Jordan's shoulders felt lighter with the help. "Thanks, Jay." He shrugged, humble. He tossed an arm around the young girl and drew her in for a hug. "Anytime kiddo."

Erin returned, "hey Jordan, your dad is here." She leaned against the doorframe; Halstead looked over at his partner. He grinned at her and moved back to his desk. He clapped a hand on Jordan's shoulder before leaving. Erin followed him. Voight, Jordan's father appeared in the doorway. "Come on kid, I'll give you a lift to your mothers." Jordan stood, gathering her gear and left the room following her father down the stairs. Halstead gave her a encouraging smile as she passed his desk. Voight drove her across Chicago to her mother's place. "How was school?" Jordan shrugged. "Got back my drafts." Voight nodded, "What'd you get?" Jordan swallowed, "C+. but they are only first drafts, the finals are due next week." Voight swallowed, "you can do better kid." Jordan shrugged. He looked over at his daughter, "you'll do great kid, I have not doubt." Jordan's lips twitched upwards. He stopped outside her mother's house and leaned over kissing her forehead. "Stay safe." He told his daughter gruffy as she left the car. Voight pealed away tyres squealing. 

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