Fili x Dwalf!Bride!Wife!Reader Part One

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The noise was overwhelming, the band, the drunken dwarfs, and the shouting. The clanging of mugs against the table and the shattering of plates with the scraping of knives. After Smaug's death and the following war loud noises caused you some discomfort, usually Fili would place his hand on your knee or take your hand. However, at this moment even with his hand on your knee, it was still over stimulating, you leaned into your now husband. He turned his head to press a kiss to your forehead, his beard beads brushing against your face. Going back to his conversation with a dwarf whose name escaped you, you looked about the feast for your wedding. As you watched you spotted your brother by law and Tauriel slipped out of the dining hall. Fili's mother Dis was busy dancing with Bilbo who had travelled back to the Lonely Mountain for the occasion.

Leaning back, you decided to get some air and some quiet. You leaned back in and whispered in your new husband's ear, "I am going to step out for a moment." Fili paused his conversation to face you, "I'll come with you." You shook your head, "stay enjoy the festivals for our wedding, I won't be long." You pressed a kiss to his cheek, and he tilted his head to capture your lips. The kiss itself made your cheeks flush and the dwarf who Fili was talking to look away awkwardly. Breaking away out of breath, you brushed your fingers along the marriage braid in his hair. You pushed the chair back before raising and leaving the room. Leaving the music and noise behind, you moved through the hall until it was a distant sound. There was a small flight of three steps leading to a landing that had several sets of stairs leading away through the mountain. You leaned against a railing staring down at the steps within the mountain and the rooms off them. There was a warm cooling breeze that floated up from the braziers from the forges.

A movement caught your eye, turning the whisp of a cloak disappeared around a corner. Despite a nagging feeling telling you not too, you slipped a hand under the hidden pocket of your skirt reaching for the hilt of your now husband's blade. Pulling the blade from its sheath, you moved down the small set of stairs. The cloaked figure turned about the stairs and you followed to another landing when he spotted you. You took the small advantage you had and threw yourself at the figure. Knocking him into the wall behind him, you tussled with him attempting to stab him with the dagger. You caught him on his forearm, dragging it through his skin. A hoarse exhale shocked you as you felt a dagger drag through the bodice of your dress. There was a distant shattering of glass and there was a spattering of liquid against your ankles. The guy pulled back as he did a piece of paper slipped forwards and you grabbed at it. In the tussle he had moved you towards the stairs. Both of you fought for the paper, he dropped his dagger and you dropped yours. You won the fight for the paper scrunching it into your hand. The cloak figure used his heavier weight to throw you towards the stairs. Your footing slipped and you tumbled down the small flight of stairs. Smacking into the stone wall at the end and you hit your head knocking you cold. The cloaked figure started down the stairs to take back the paper that was scrunched in your hands.

Tauriel heard it first, the clattering as your kicking feet knocked your dagger down the stairs. She pulled away from Kili and turned in time to see you hit the wall. Your figure slumped as Kili finally caught on. They both started towards you before breaking into a run when the figure began to search you for something. Kili shouted at him, giving away the element of the surprise, but then so had Tauriel's clicking boots. The figure turned heel and ran. Tauriel reached you and spotted the growing blood stain, while Kili took after the figure. Tauriel tucked Fili's dagger into her belt before pressing a hand against the growing stain of blood. Her other hand fluttered along your body searching for another wound. She found none, pressing harder against gathering blood.

Kili moved the fastest he ever had, chasing the man who tried to kill you. Rounding a corner, he dragged a hand along the stone to keep his momentum as he swung around. As he rounded the corner, he lost sight of the figure. Kili searched, eyes raking over the stone steps. He smacked the stone with the flat of his hand, anger chasing the rush of the chase in his veins. Kili turned and rushed back to where, Tauriel was using the excess fabric of her dress to apply pressure to your wound. She looked up at his footsteps, hope in her eyes as help came. Kili couldn't take his eyes off the blood staining Tauriel's pale hands. "Go get help." Tauriel was using her captain of the guard training and elfish upbringing to shove her emotions away and focus on your bleeding body beneath her hands. She looked up at Kili still standing there. "GO!" Kili twisted and ran back towards the feast; he paused a few feet away. He breathed deep, adjusting his clothes so he didn't look as if he had taken a tumble with Tauriel.

He entered the feasting hall, stepping to the side so that he could scan the room. He entered the room, all red faced and wild hair attempting to breathe normally. He found Dwalin and headed over to him, ignoring the wolf whistles.

Fili saw his brother re-enter the hall, Tauriel no where in sight and you hadn't come back either. Fili's soldier eyes tracked his brother, he watched as he moved with a single purpose towards someone and how he ignored the wolf whistles. Fili noted how there was tension in his brother's flexing fingers, subconsciously fiddling with his bow string. Fili kept an eye on his brother, the mead and wine working their way out of his system as he watched Kili furiously whispered in the drunken Dwalin's ear. Whatever he was told had Dwalin sobering up almost immediately, shoving the mead away and standing. They both moved off towards the exit, Kili stopped by their mother, Dis. Dis had been dancing with some of the smaller children. Dis managed to keep her smile but Fili caught her own twitching fingers. She followed her youngest son and Dwalin out of the feasting hall. Fili's eyes tracked the three leaving.

Kili stumbled over his words when he had whispered in Dwalin and then Dis' ear. He still did even now as he led them towards Tauriel and your bleeding figure. Dwalin stalled as he took in you bleeding out under Tauriel's hands, Dis took a breath and began to give orders. Dwalin worked with Tauriel to carefully lift and carry you into a hidden chamber. Dwalin lowered you on to the bed, while Tauriel kept her hands on your wound. Kili helped move you into a more comfortable position, as he did his fingers brushed a piece of paper that was clutched in your hand. He teased it out carefully, before shoving it into his pocket. Dis turned to Dwalin, "get my medical kit, some extra sheets and blankets." He began to leave, "and your weapon." Dwalin turned back, Dis levelled him with a gaze, "you will guard the door when you return." Dis usually did not give orders but when she did the dwarfs of the mountain listened. Dwalin nodded, Dis turned to her son, "get me hot water as much of it as you can, and a jug of cold water." Shortly both of them returned, Dis had Dwalin turn the sheets into rags and Kili set up the waters and medical kit. The air began to grow heavy with the iron scent of your blood, the heating air began to become overwhelming, Dis and Tauriel began to clean your wounds and the blood up. "Go get your brother and Thorin."

Kili stepped out of the chamber; his breath still shallow from the scent of your blood. It was sticking to his skin, crawling along his nerves, and making his stomach roll. Dwalin shut the door behind him, the heavy thudding shaking Kili out of his thoughts. "Go on lad, I'll keep them safe." Kili nodded not trusting himself to speak. He started off towards the feasting hall, soon he broke out into a run. Skidding to a stop outside he paused to catch his breath and straighten his clothes.

Kili moved into the room and searched for his brother. He found Fili laughing with a dwarf lord, but there was a flex to his fingers that showed his nerves and concern for you. Kili caught his brother's eye and Fili apologised to who he was talking to before heading to his brother. Most of the party attendees were too drunk to notice that one of the guests of honour were leaving and the other had left a while ago. Fili paused close to Thorin who took in his nephew's tense frame. Kili jerked his head to the door and they both moved to follow him out. Thorin paused by the door an idea forming to keep those drinking still drinking, he shared a look with Balin. Balin lifted his mead to the King under the Mountain before Thorin shouted, "Open another barrel, this is a night of celebration!" This added to the revelry and the dwarfs fell into their mugs with further delight. Balin had taken his cue from Thorin and now kept watch over the feasting. 

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