Chin Ho Kelly x ATF!Wife!Reader

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This one shot was inspired by various quotes for various shows, which have been italicised. Each belong to their owners and anyone involved. They are listed down the bottom with their corresponding show, in their entirety.

Requests are now open, if you would like to make a request: please messege me (just so I don't misplace it) character (full name or fandom if you don't know their full name) and plot. Thank you, my lovelies for your support. 

It almost always started like this, someone's phone rang at some ungodly hour. You groaned into your pillow and freed a hand from the warm blankets to scrabble around on your bedside table. Your fingers closed around your phone and you lifted your head. When your phone didn't display a caller ID but rather the time, you silently cheered, locking your phone and placing it back. You rolled over as the phone kept singing, shoving the warm body in your bed. "Your phone." The words were muffed, spoken between the pillow and the warm sculpted shoulder of the person in your bed. The person rolled over so you were snuggled against their back. "Chin." There was a pause as your husband listened to the other side. "I'll be right there Steve." Chin Ho Kelly, hung up and rolled out of bed. You moved, snuggling into the warmth he left behind, face down in the soft pillow which was stained with the scent of his cologne. "Where are you going?" You asked sleepily, Chin smirked at your huddled figure. "To a place called "Rare books." You know what they sell?" Shrugging you tugged the blankets away from his deft fingers as he made to move them from your sleepy figure. "Fishing tackle?" You joked as you tugged the blankets around you, your phone rang as your eyes fluttered shut. Chin laughed at your change of fortune. Groaning you scrabbled for it, and felt Chin pick it up and place it in your hands. Answering blearily, you hung up once you received the information you needed. Chin chuckled as you buried deeper under the covers, "You have to get up. We're working the same case." You rolled your eyes getting out of bed and began to change. Chin caught you in his arms and pulled you close, giving you a knowing look. "Don't do anything dangerous." You smiled at him, "Back at you." He grinned widely and kissed you quickly as you both left your house heading to the crime scene.

At the crime scene which was a popular tourist spot, which had some local businesses not too far from the bloodied scene. Max was bent over the body with the ME you usually worked with a wisecracking young man called Ben. You headed over with Chin at your side, Ben made a wisecrack that you didn't hear, but made Kono, Steve, and Danny turn to face the pair of you. Kono smiled at you, "Where's your partner?" She asked you, "At home, with the flu, but I think he may be with a pretty guy he picked up at a bar with a hangover." Kono laughed, knowing that your partner was rather a straight-laced guy who would never cheat on his boyfriend nor would he lie about an illness to get out of work. Danny looked over his notebook, "So the neighbours were very helpful. They saw nothing, heard nothing and know nothing." Everyone looked over at Danny, he shrugged his shoulders, "Welcome to my life." You all nodded, "Tourist apparently, he's never been here before and they've never seen him." Danny explained. Steve turned to face the two medical examiners. "What do you have Max?" Ben and Max looked up at Steve. Ben turned to Max, "Yeah, Max what do you have?" Max turned to Ben unamused before turning back to Steve to inform him in his rather brusque manner. "It appears your victim has no external wounds. He also appears to be a tourist." Steve nodded confused. "So, this guy walks over to a place he's never been and dies of no apparent cause?" You questioned. Ben looked up at you. "At this point, yeah." You nodded, "Seems legit. No 'Rare Books' shop though." You commented, everyone gave you a weird look as Chin quipped back, "no fishing shops either." You snickered and pointed out to a shop that had, Fish and Tackle clearly blazoned across the front. Confused glances were still thrown your way when Chin groaned good naturedly.

Kono had been waved over by a uniform to look at a view finder that looked across the sea. She called the rest of you over. The view finder had been wired to stay in place, as you all looked closer, "There's blood on the coin slot." Kono pointed out, using her pen to point out the discrepancy. "Yeah I always like to do a little sight-seeing after I commit murder." Danny quipped. You bent down and looked through the view finder. "Why are you doing that?" Steve questioned. "Because, oh great and fearless Navy SEAL, this has been wired to look at a specific spot, so that means, oh great detective, that the killer wants us to look through this." Danny was trying to hide his smile, Chin pinched his nose in order to keep himself from laughing at your snarky comments. Kono was simply grinning outright. Even the uniform had a hard time keeping a straight face. Looking through the view finder, you could see the expanse of the sea, and a sail boat. You informed Steve, who said he and Danny would go take a look while the scene was photographed. Danny followed Steve away, whining about the possibility about swimming out to the sail boat. The boat had another body on it, once again had no signs of foul play.

You sat around Steve's office at HQ, each of you picked at your food, eating it slowly. Max called with Steve answering the call. He and Ben had figured out that both men had been poisoned and due to the swaps on their hands had fired guns recently. They also weren't tourists but were gun runners, they had died outside a possible hotspot for selling unregistered guns which was why you had been called in. After working at the case for a few days, you had a found where they were holding the guns and were the man who had murdered his two sellers was hiding. You sat in the front seat of the SVU, "Why did he do that with the view finder and hide one on the boat?" You asked, raising your eyebrows looking over at Chin, and Kono who was in the backseat. Kono shrugged one shoulder. "He enjoys the attention." Chin guessed. Your comms clicked on, Steve rattled off instructions as you all begun heading towards the warehouse. "Don't do anything reckless, Steven." Danny chided. Steve looked all most offended, "I'm not going to do anything reckless." Kono, Chin, and you muttered to each other under your breath.

Of course, with Five-0 there was a shootout, but these were gun runners, so shootouts were to be expected. One guy had Steve and Danny pinned in a corner while you and Chin were on the second floor dealing with five guys, Kono was trying to help Steve but couldn't get a shot off without shooting either him or Danny. You couldn't hear the argument between Danny and Steve, but you assumed that it was something to do with gun fight you had found yourselves in. Suddenly Danny stood, attracting the mercenary's attention who began firing at him, when the guy's clip was empty, Steve jumped boxes and leapt on top of a few others. He made his way over to the guy and held his gun on him when the mercenary turned to fire at Steve, Steve shot three into the guy's chest. When the last guy had either been arrested or killed, you walked down stairs with Chin. You handed the guy off to a couple of uniforms. "They say why they staged the scene the way they did?" Steve shrugged, "Wanted to make a scene, make it look like someone else." You nodded adding, "wanted to hide the fact they were running guns." Danny nodded. "Well it didn't seem like arms dealers killed them to me, I mean the victims were poisoned usually they are shot."

The case ended as it began, you crumbled onto your bed, crawling under the covers. Chin entered the room. Steam poured out of the door to the bathroom, towel around his waist as he rubbed a towel through his tussled hair, water dripped down his chest showing the sculpted physique. He chuckled deeply at you, love in his eyes as you looked up at him. Chin dried himself off, pulled on some boxers and slipped beneath the sheets pulling you to his chest. His fingers tangled them through your hair, that combined with the steady beat of his heart beneath your ear and the warmth of his body caused you to fall asleep quickly.

Quotes used in order:

"Where are you going?" "To a place called "Rare books." You know what they sell?" "Fishing tackle?" – The West Wing

"So the neighbours were very helpful. They saw nothing, heard nothing and know nothing." "Welcome to my life." – CSI:NY

"So this guy walks over to a place he's never been and dies of no apparent cause?" "At this point, yeah." – CSI:NY

"There's blood on the coin slot." [Person #2] "Yeah I always like to do a little sight seeing after I commit murder." – CSI:NY

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