Chapter 6: Luck of the Draw

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"Seven days of fighting! Who could ask for a better engagement present?! And it's exactly what the people need to encourage their devotion to the Emperor in these troubling times. The Galacians might have won the battle, but they will not win the war! The Romallian people need to see that we still have the best fighters in the world, and that our enemy's ability to break our lines was merely luck."

The six of us were sitting in one of the Capitol arena cells, listening to our Dominus as he gave one of his speeches to rally us to arms. Shailene and her maids were already in the palace getting comfortable in the visitor's wing, but Tiberius refused to leave his gladiators before learning of the week's festivities. Two of his remaining guards stood outside our cell as the third left with our Domina. It took great effort not to run after them, knowing that I would only miss my chance at seeing Decimus if I didn't follow the rules.

Tiberius continued without any encouragement on our end. "This tournament is the one thing keeping our Empire together right now, so we have to give them a good show! I expect all of you to win with minimal effort, but make it last and look good! We're putting on a show for the Prince and his new bride!"

His final words hit a nerve. I cringed at the thought of Decimus' new bride. Was she pretty? Was she rich and well-liked by the people? Who were her family? What did she do to make Decimus choose her? Or was this just another one of Maximus' plans? Would the Prince grow to love her, or did he love her already?

Jealousy wasn't a good look for me, but I couldn't help it. There was so much left unresolved between us, and having this once in a lifetime chance to fix things was all too tempting. But there was someone else in our way; a new girl to take his time and heart. I kept telling myself that our time together had to be brief and from a distance if I was going to escape the Capitol with my brother in tow, but my heart was choosing a different path. As per usual, I had to find a way to hide my heart and let my mind lead.

For starters, I compelled myself to focus on fighting in the tournament, making it to the end to get to Marcus.

"Each day has a different event that will lead up to the champion's battle on the seventh day, where the traitor's son will be thrown into the arena with the two champions of the week."

I felt Evander's fingers discreetly brush mine; a sign of assurance.

"To be eligible for this final battle, you must survive the events that you have been randomly selected for. I don't care how many times you are required to participate in the events this week, I expect you all to be in fighting form to bring glory to my establishment and name. Do I make myself clear?"

We murmured in agreement.

Tiberius pulled a piece of parchment from his robe.

"I have the schedule here. The tournament begins tomorrow, so I demand you all get a good night's rest, even if you are not required for the first event. Doctore," he turned to the scruffy man, "You must keep them in line. Treat this opportunity with care and respect. Just because we are away from home and our usual schedule does not mean the men can slack off and bring dishonour to my name. Ensure that they eat their meals, rest for an appropriate amount of time, and train whenever possible by whatever means. Help them with strategy and keep an eye on all opponents." He looked around at the other cages, taking in the competition as Dominus' from across Romallia readied their gladiators. "I don't see too many new faces, so it should be easier for you to size up the competition. Watch them carefully, and prepare your men for victory."

"Yes, Dominus." The scruffy man agreed indifferently, presumably having this speech memorized after all the other tournaments and singular battles he had fought in the Capitol on past occasions. He knew his duty as our Doctore. Like the rest of us, he was more interested in hearing the tournament lineup.

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