Chapter 56: Red Silks

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The Capitol was in good spirits for the rest of the day. We made our appearance on the balcony over the square to be presented as husband and wife, and so I could greet the people as their new Princess. They celebrated in the square with music, dancing, food, and pageantry. There were so many people that the festivities spread onto the neighbouring streets like an infection. Shops were slashing their prices, children were dressed as royals, and ale was being consumed outside of the local taverns. It was a joyous day; the first royal wedding in two decades.

If I were a mere commoner, I would have loved to join the people in their festivities. But I was their Princess; I had to take part in the royal celebration, which was completely uncomfortable and far from enjoyable. The Emperor held a dinner party in our honour where only the same Lords and Ladies who attended the wedding were permitted to feast. I was forced to play nice with a room full of people I didn't like or trust, not to mention that all of them were close in age and allegiance to Maximus. Very few of their sons or daughters were on the guest list. I had no one to talk to without feeling like I was on display; where I had to watch what I did or said.

Nevertheless, I was glad to discover that Tiberius and Shailene had excused themselves from another royal affair. I couldn't stand the thought of avoiding their murderous gazes all night. But what really had me stumped was the fact that Lord Remus, Tiberius' father, was also absent. He was surely invited just as he was for the engagement. I assumed he declined the first invitation for the same reason that his son did: embarrassment. But for such a prominent Lord to be absent from a royal wedding is cause for suspicion. If he was anything like his son, I surely didn't want to meet him... but that didn't stop me from questioning his absence.

Out of sight, out of mind. I put the thought behind me.

After the dinner, we went into the ballroom for drinks and dancing. To my dismay, it was all slow, organized numbers that had been done by the royals for decades, nothing like the quick, spontaneous movements you would find on the streets.

I spent the entire night by Decimus' side, although it felt like we never had a moment together. We were always in conversation with everyone but each other. Decimus made time to smile at me and kiss my hand, and he gave me his full attention every time we had to dance, but we never just talked. I was probably the loneliest bride since Aryanna's wedding to Maximus. Perhaps this was just what happened to all royal couples...

To my relief and complete confusion, there were no assassination attempts to deal with all day. Both Arlo and I were constantly on the lookout, so much so that I kept a dagger under my dress, wrapped around my thigh as a precaution. I expected a gang of murderers to explode through the ballroom windows as the orchestra played, or a guest to pull out a sword while Decimus and I were giving our toast. But nothing happened; my wedding day was completely uneventful.

I did my best to avoid Maximus, but I couldn't help but keep an eye on him in case he was lying about leaving me in peace for the moment. I still wasn't completely sold on the notion that he had nothing to do with all prior attacks on my life. Nevertheless, I was certainly on the lookout for another who seemed to be pulling the strings.

We weren't free to leave the party until midnight. I moved towards the door with Decimus at my side and Arlo at my heel. Kilgorian led the way, throwing open the ballroom doors with a flourish. When we entered the hallways, I turned to Decimus with a smile and thanked him for a lovely evening.

"I'll be seeing you in the morning." I offered awkwardly.

He frowned in confusion as he said, "You will be seeing me in the morning, but that's mainly due to the fact that we'll be spending our nights together from now on."

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