Chapter 50: Run

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The sun begins to rise a few hours later, peeking over the edge of the arena. The bright rays assault my eyes as I lazily stretch and flutter my eyelids. Arrian has his right arm tucked under my head like a pillow and his left arm draped over my waist. He nuzzles his face into my neck when I start to stir, kissing by my ear as he tightens his grip.

"Good morning, my love."

I roll around in his arms to face him. I can't stop smiling as I look into his eyes, caressing his cheek lovingly. "I was afraid that this was all a dream."

He gives me a sly smile. "Trust me... last night just surpassed any dream I ever had about this moment. The real deal is so much better."

"You had dreams about sleeping with me?!" I punch his chest teasingly.

"How could I resist?" He kisses me gently on the lips.

"Waking up beside you is one of the greatest moments of my life."

"So you want a guy who wakes you up at dawn because he's just bursting to talk to you?" He looks at the rising sun. "I'm happy to oblige, my Lady. I can't wait to hear what you have to say." He brushes the hair off of my face, kissing me all over as I giggle at his feathery touch.

"I just want to hold on to moments like this because they don't come around too often..." My face falls as I conclude, "or perhaps ever again."

His brow furrows. "What do you mean?"

I pull away gently so I can sit up, bringing my knees to my chest protectively. "I won't let the Empress die, Arrian."

He pushes himself up to look me in the eyes. Concern laced his gaze. "You promised me you would keep fighting! I'm not going to kill you, Candra."

"I know what I said, and I'll keep my word. You're not going to make a choice."

"But if I don't choose to either kill you or let the Empress die, Maximus will kill all three of us."

"Not if we make it unwarranted."


I place my forehead against his, inhaling his essence for what may be the last time before I mutter, "You have to run."

"What?! No!"

He tries to pull back, but I hold his head firm with my hands on the back of his neck. I explain, "He won't be able to kill you if you're not here, and the rest of his threat will fall on deaf ears! It will be a similar situation to my escape eight years ago: he didn't waste his time, money or energy to find my brother and I just to kill us. I don't think he'll act any differently to find you."

"I thought you said he'd track any deserters down just for the pleasure of making you watch as he killed your friends?"

I nod, thinking back to what I said to Reegan the previous night. "That's a possibility, but I'm starting to think that it would be less likely with everything else that the Emperor has to worry about. It's a risk, but I think it's our best chance."

"But he'll still kill the Empress!"

"Why would he? What's the point?! I truly think that this part of his ultimatum was just incentive that he never had any intention of following through on. Killing the Empress serves no purpose in the grand scheme of things. What's his cover up? Who gets the blame? He has bigger things to worry about than your relationship with his wife, like this war with his brother, his son's rise to power, me..."

He's not entirely convinced that the Emperor won't follow through on his threat.

I continue, "I promise to do everything I can to keep her safe." I pull away from his face to search his eyes, squeezing his hands as I declare, "She's actually in more danger with you here. He'll continue to use your love for her against you until he's satisfied. What do you think he's been doing to me for the past month? He's been using my love for you and my friends to destroy me."

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