Chapter 29: Play Along

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Four guards were placed on round the clock watch, always two steps away in case someone else tried to assassinate me. If they weren't a part of Maximus' private guard, I would have trusted their intentions. Instead I found myself constantly looking over my shoulder in case they had private instructions from their Emperor. Every time one of them rested a hand on the hilt of their sword, I jumped out of my skin. Just the notion of Maximus' private eyes watching me gave me the chills.

Decimus and I were walking through the Palace corridors. The Prince hadn't left my side since the morning's incident, acting like a fifth guard. But what annoyed me more was the constant shadow following the Prince; his own private force that consisted of Kilgorian and a handful of other men. With nearly a dozen men tailing me for hours, I began to feel even more alone and claustrophobic than I did in my cell.

Once we finally returned to my new room so I could freshen up before dinner, I stopped the parade of men outside the door and pleaded with the Prince, "Please, Decimus, could I have a moment alone? I'm perfectly capable of surviving in my own room without their watchful eyes on me." I gestured towards Maximus' men.

He smiled, "Of course, my love. I shall be all the protection you need."

My voice wavered, "Uh, no... no, please. I would like to have a few moments to myself. I can meet you in the dining hall. My security detail is more than capable of protecting me from here to dinner."

He was not convinced, "But I shouldn't leave you. Not after what happened this morning."

As much as it made my flesh crawl, I grabbed his hand reassuringly, "I'll be fine, Decimus. Please, you have to trust me."


"Decimus, please. I can't live like this; I need some space."

He pursed his lips into a thin line as he considered my request.

I pressed on, "I can take care of myself. Haven't I proved that much to you? Eight years as a fugitive, months as a gladiator... I even survived the lashing-"

I regretted mentioning the last part the moment it slipped out of my mouth. Decimus was clearly hurt by my words, which would seem odd in most situations since he was without a doubt guilty of torture. But because of who he is and what his father has turned him into, it was obvious that Decimus was haunted by the actions his darker side committed. It's as if he considered himself to be two different people, and he was pained every time his better half was blamed for the horrors his other half unleashed.

I sighed, "All I'm trying to say is that... well, I think I've earned a little time to myself."

He shook his head, "But what if you leave me again?"

I squeezed his hand, "I promised, Decimus. I'm not going anywhere."

After careful consideration, Decimus finally agreed. "You have ten minutes before the servants will enter to help you prepare for dinner. Your guards will remain just outside this door."

Ten minutes was not nearly enough time, but I knew that it was useless to argue. At least it was a step in the right direction.

I thanked the Prince as he kissed my hand farewell, and then he reluctantly walked away with his own guard detail marching behind him. Kilgorian gave me a skeptical look before following the Prince.

I didn't want to waste any time, so as soon as they rounded a corner I rushed into my room and slammed the door on my security detail's faces. I pressed my forehead against the door and let out a sigh of relief, feeling like it was the first time I could breathe all day.

I turned to take in the space, startled to find someone standing in the middle of the room. I supressed a scream once I realized who it was, not wanting my guards to barge in when there was no real threat.

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