Chapter 46: New Face, Same Man

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I spend the next couple of days being as distant as possible from everyone. Other than Arlo's constant presence and the occasional assistance from Reegan and Melina, I found myself avoiding the palace populous.

I locked myself in my room, refusing all dinner requests with the royal family. Maximus doesn't fight me on this, and Decimus seems to be leaving me alone until I find a way to forgive him; I probably had Kilgorian to thank for that.

Arrian and Brutus remained outside my door. I could have ordered Arrian to trade places with Arlo so we could talk alone in my room, but I could tell that he still needed some time to process everything. And if I'm being honest, so did I.

Even though I was giving Camilla exactly what she wanted, I couldn't bring myself to visit Evander in the infirmary again. I wasn't ready for another run-in with her.

But after days of solitude, I found myself walking towards the Capitol arena. Evander finally regained his strength and was eager to get back into the thick of things. After having a conversation with Arlo the night before about his new weaknesses and how to manage it all, they came to the conclusion that Evander would be trained as an archer. He wouldn't have to run or wheeled a heavy sword with the injuries to the nerves in his leg and arm. All they had to do was work on his aim with his one good eye.

I was sitting with Reegan and Melina in the stands. Brutus and Arrian flank us at a respectable distance, while Arlo joins Evander in the sands.

For Evander's bravery at the engagement party, Arlo gifts his bow and arrows to Evander. I can't hear their exchange, but judging by the crooked grin spreading across Evander's face, I could tell that this really meant something to him. After Evander shakes Arlo's hand appreciatively, they get to work.

"He doesn't look so bad... considering." Melina takes in Evander's new facial features. I do the same.

His skin almost looks like a shattered mirror, where the red, angry looking cuts originate at the center of his cheek and branch out erratically. It spreads from just above his right eyebrow all the way down to his chin. He still has black stitching thread laced through his skin, holding together his broken features. His right eye is partially swollen shut, but not enough to hide the cloudy haze that permanently covers his iris. His old tiger wounds melded harmoniously with his new gashes, creating a masterpiece of injury. No one would call him handsome again.

I mentally chastise myself for feeling disappointed, and then I rudely take it out on Melina.

"There's more to a man than his looks. He's still Evander, no matter what he looks like."

She looks at me, confused by my reprimand. "That's not what I meant. I was just-... I hope he'll be okay. He took a pretty big blow to the head. He just-"

"I'm sorry." I cut her off, "I know what you meant. I'm just on edge lately."

"I think we all are." Reegan offers. "So do you think Evander will make a good archer?"

"He's a wonder, that's for sure. Ever since the day of his Bonding Ceremony, he just keeps surprising me. He doesn't give up."

"Are you talking about fighting in combat? Or fighting for you?" Melina inquires slyly, giggling as my face turns red.

"It's not a secret, Candra. He's pretty blatant about his attachment to you. I'm surprised the Prince hasn't picked up on it yet." Reegan says.

"He's starting to notice things he shouldn't..." I think back on the night of the branding and how he questioned my relationship with Arlo. He implied that he knew about my other attachments, but I hoped his knowledge wasn't deep enough to pick up the romantic vibes between myself, Evander and Arrian; hopefully he saw us as nothing more than friends.

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