Chapter 30: A Breathtaking Dinner

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I walked into the dining hall with my head held high, determined to see this through.

Maximus, Aryanna and Emrys were already seated at the table while Decimus paced anxiously a few feet from the door. They all turned when I entered, stunned by my appearance.

My face was no longer heavily painted with colours and lotions, revealing my sunbaked skin and freckles. The adornments of jewels attached to the fake hair pieces had been removed, revealing my short hair combed back in an elegant manner. But my dress was the real showstopper: it was white linen embroidered with peach flowers and green leaves that reminded me of the fields in Kent. It was sleeveless with a plunging neckline and a slit running up my leg. But my favourite detail, the thing that sold me on the look in the first place, was the fact that it was backless. My scars from the lashing were exposed for all to see; lumpy, pale, and grotesque. This dress was the complete opposite of what I was forced to wear earlier, which made me all the more pleased with my decision.

"WHAT IS THIS?!" Maximus hollered as he smashed his fists against the table.

I held my ground. "A dress, your Grace."

"Not a dress for the likes of you. I expect you to cover up your hideous deformities."

Instead of retreating out the door, I moved forward towards my seat at the table. Decimus followed blindly to push my chair in like a proper gentlemen. He was stunned by my appearance, both out of desire and shame. I was displaying his cruel work openly, after all.

I decided to address the Prince to placate his apprehension. "I'm not used to confining my back yet... the scars are still sensitive. This was the only dress that didn't rub me raw."

Even though I was wearing the dress more to make a point, my declaration was still true. After removing the blue dress, I noticed that my back was pulsing red, irritated by the constant touch of the fabric despite the soft quality.

Decimus didn't accept my answer, nor did he deny it. He simply moved to take his seat across from me.

I turned my attention back to the Emperor, "I will dress however you choose while in public, your Grace, but I must be a little more relaxed in the privacy of the palace." I didn't say it as a request, but rather a statement.

The Emperor could have laughed at my actions and torture me for such boldness, but instead he chose to dismiss the whole thing. He waved a hand at a servant and demanded, "Bring us our dinner."

I let out a breath of relief.

Five servants swiftly entered the room at their ruler's command. They each took their place to the left of our chairs, and then proceeded to place a plate of fresh salad in front of us. I turned to look at the boy assigned to me, half expecting to magically find Arrian at my side. Needless to say I was disappointed, but I smiled and thanked him anyway. He stared at me intently, probably because he wasn't used to being directly addressed by someone at the royal table, let alone thanked by them. He took a couple of steps back to stand behind my chair like the rest of the men in case we needed something, but I noticed that my servant was slightly closer to my seat than the rest. He simply must be anticipating my need for constant assistance. It's been eight years, after all.

We proceeded to eat the first course in the expected, uncomfortable silence.

Once the second course was presented, Emrys decided to break the tension. "So Candra, have you chosen your companions yet?"

I hesitated with my fork midair. "My what?"

"Your Lady's companions. Every royal has them. You must keep up with appearances if you are to be Romallia's Princess."

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