Chapter 36: Little Dove

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We arrived at Sextus' place within the hour.

The scruffy man, Evander, Phaedra and Reegan had to remain in their wagon until we returned to the palace, guarded despite both former gladiators inability to fight back in their tortured state. Even though I would rather have them by my side for support in this endeavour, I knew that they needed the time to adjust to their new life away from Tiberius and Shailene.

Reegan peered over the edge of the wagon to look at me when I stepped down from my carriage. She quickly looked away when I caught her staring. Ever since she had appeared by Tiberius' front door for transportation, she refused to acknowledge me. I certainly deserved it; I deceived the poor girl. I could only hope that keeping my promise for rescue would sway her to forgive me one day.

My attention was redirected when one of the whores who saw our group approaching earlier returned through the front door with Sextus on her heels.

I wanted to vomit at the sight of him, the same feeling that had emerged when Tiberius and Shailene greeted us.

"Your Highness! Lady Candra, such an honour!" He bent at the waist gracefully. "Won't you come in for a drink?"

Decimus didn't hide his distaste for Sextus' profession. "I'm insulted that you would even ask." He turned to me, annoyed by this whole endeavour. "What are we even doing here?"

I spoke to Decimus, but I said it loud enough for Sextus to hear so I wouldn't have to repeat myself. "There are two girls in this establishment who I wish to procure as companions."

"WHAT?!" Decimus was furious. "Candra, this is taking things too far! Lady Shailene's servants are one thing, but whores?! IN THE PALACE?!"

"They weren't always whores." I argued.

He threw his arms up in disbelief. "I don't even want to know how you've become acquainted with these girls."

"They were forced into this life after being taken from our village by Galacians. They don't deserve this life, Decimus."

"And why is it your problem to fix?!"

"I made them a promise."

He shook his head. "That's not good enough. Not this time."

I squeezed his hands. "Decimus, your father doesn't have to know where they came from. We can lie. All the guards and drivers who came with us today are either loyal to you or me, are they not?"

"Yes, but-"

"But nothing, Decimus! This will stay between us." I turned to Sextus to address him directly, still trying to comfort the Prince. "And Sextus won't say a word, for he knows what will happen if he were to betray me."

He gave a disturbingly genuine smile. "I know all too well what Lady Candra is capable of, your Highness. I wouldn't dare cross her."

The Prince sighed, defeated once more by his enchanting fiancée's wishes. "Fine, but I refuse to be seen standing here a moment longer. I will wait for you inside the carriage."

I kissed his cheek once more to convey my gratitude. I was getting used to snaking the Prince around my finger.

Once he was safely inside the carriage with Kilgorian standing by the door, watching my interaction with Sextus out of earshot, I turned back to the man with fire in my eyes.

"How much did you know?"

He smirked. "I won't insult yours or my own intelligence by playing dumb, claiming not to know what you're referring to."

"Well, go on then." I prodded.

"I knew everything; that you were a girl, that you were trying to escape Lord Tiberius' grasp with your Doctore, that red-haired servant girl, and two other gladiators, and that you were on a mission to save your brother. And of course, I knew exactly who you were. Daughter of Augustus Calpurnius Galeo, former fiancée to the Prince of Romallia, and most despised girl in the entire Empire."

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