Chapter 18: Revelations and Opportunities

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"I knew you wouldn't be able to avoid me forever..."

It was inevitable. After forcing myself to stay awake and the strain of the last forty-eight hours, I was bound to give in sooner rather than later.

I was perched in the Emperor's box where the Princess was meant to sit. The arena was empty aside from me and the two fighting gladiators in the cage below. From my new vantage point, I was reliving Bash's final moments over and over again. I couldn't move from my seat, nor could I close my eyes. I tried to fight against my invisible restraints, and I tried to force myself to look away. But there was no winning. I had lost count long before my father appeared in the seat beside mine.

He cheered as the blade swung into Bash's abdomen. "He put on quite a show, don't you think?"

His words were meant to taunt me. I didn't want to let him win, but I was weak. I clenched my hands into fists and spoke through gritted teeth. "How dare you."

"I don't think I've seen someone fight so hard after realizing all hope was lost. It was certainly amusing. Let's watch it again..." Just after Bash's opponent delivered the final blow and all life left Bash's body, the red sands swirled up to rearrange the scene. Bash was alive, both gladiators were unmarked, and the battle recommenced exactly as it played out before.

I wanted to hit my father for his cruelty.

"But you can't." He smiled smugly before continuing, "I'm not really here. And besides, this is your nightmare, Candra. It's not my fault that you're giving me control. You're the one who wants to see this." He gestured to the fight. "Just enjoy it."

I smashed my fists against the armrests in aggravation. "Bash's death in NOT entertainment! It's a tragedy!" I could feel the tears threatening to fall. "He was my friend. He didn't deserve this."

"No, he didn't. But that doesn't change things. I told you-"

"-I would get them all killed. Yeah, I know."

"How many more friends are you willing to lose?"

"Two more days... that's all I need."

"Is he worth it?"

I shot him a hateful look. "Marcus is always worth it."

He threw his hands up defensively. "Hey, you're the one who asked..."

My father was my mind's projection; anything he said, I was thinking.

"Do I detect a bit of doubt creeping in?"

"No." I answered quickly, hoping it wasn't a lie.

"It is a lie. You're beginning to question your brother's worth..."

"I'm not!"

He chuckled. "Let's not run in circles again, Candra. Just accept my word as your own; we're wasting time whenever you try to deny me."

I shook my head defiantly. "Marcus is always worth it."

"Even at the cost of your friend's life?"

"That wasn't my fault!"

"I don't care what your Doctore says. We both know that Bash could be alive and well right now if he never met you."

The desperation in my voice was climbing as I frantically tried to convince myself. "I didn't kill him! He died in the arena. That could have happened even if we had never met! He was already in our Doctore's cart when we met, so he was bound to become a gladiator. He could have died in training, or maybe Shailene would have tossed him over the cliff! If he was lucky enough to make it to the tournament, he could have still died here! There was nothing I did that caused his death!"

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