Chapter 28: I Give You... The Miracle of Romallia

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I arrived in the sitting room that led to the royal balcony, which looks out onto the main square in front on the palace. This was where the Emperor made various important announcements to his people. A part of me was jealous that Princess Emrys had an entire tournament for her engagement announcement, but why should I expect anything extravagant from the man who murdered my father and despised my very existence?

I was completely out of breath when I stumbled through the large doors. Emperor Maximus gave me a disapproving look for my tardiness, but he said nothing. I searched for Decimus and the Empress, but they were nowhere to be seen.

"Where are the others?" I asked the Emperor, but he ignored me.

"The Prince and the Empress are on their way."

I turn to find Princess Emrys in the doorway. She is wearing a white and gold lace gown with a glowing, jewelled encrusted crown perched on top of her head. Dozens of tiny braids twist and tangle amongst themselves to form an extravagant structure sprouting from her crown. She towered over me even more than usual, making me feel small and insignificant despite our current situation.

Which got me thinking, "What are you still doing here?"

"You mean since you've taken my place as the future Empress of Romallia?" She shot back without missing a beat, still smiling sweetly as if nothing about this bothered her. She hooked her arm through mine and began to lead us towards a sofa. "I can assure you that it wasn't my idea, nor do I really want to remain here much longer."

I could only conclude that this was just one of many ways in which Maximus intended to punish me. "The Emperor..."

"Yes, it was all his idea. And I must admit that it does make the most sense given our situation."

"How so?"

"The Emperor has asked me to remain in Romallia to show my support for your union. He was to gain a great deal from an alliance with my Empire. After years of negotiations with my father, there's no telling what the people of Nevarus will do when they find out that it was all for not. So as long as I support this change and convince the people that it was for the best, we might be able to prevent a war between our two Empires."

"Wait, you think my marriage to Decimus could result in another war?"

"Wars have been started for much less." She was still smiling pleasantly, which was really starting to baffle me.

"And you're just... okay with all of this?" I gestured between us. "You don't seem all that broken up about the change of bride. Don't you want to be Empress of Romallia?"

She waved a hand dismissively. "I'm already a Princess of Nevarus, and I've had Prince's lined up for my hand since I was five years old. I'll be just fine."

A slight hitch in her voice gave me the impression that she wasn't being completely honest, but I didn't know her well enough to be sure. If she was pretending, she was certainly a wonderful actress.

"And your father?"

She sighed, "He'll be harder to convince. But I'd rather have this news reach him with the knowledge that I approved of this change. It wouldn't have looked too good if I came racing home with my tail between my legs! He would have declared war with a snap of his fingers." She executed the act swiftly in front of my face, briefly startling me as she giggled. "Besides, I would like to see how this all plays out. You can't buy this kind of entertainment where I'm from!" She exclaimed with excitement, "Your resurrection as The Miracle of Romallia will be documented for ages to come! I'd rather witness it all firsthand than hear the gossip across the sea when it's too late."

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